I don't think Steemit will kill Facebook!!!

in steemitlifeblog •  7 years ago 

The reason why I think Steemit won't kill Facebook is there's too many people out for themselves people posting things that are useless. Trying to get votes and comments making steam it just saturated with useless stuff and the problem is after 30 minutes after making really good content your post dies ..becomes buried in with all the useless content.

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We are supposed to get "communities" in 2017 as a HF in steemit. If the communities project is well done, steemit could potentially take an immediate run at Facebook. If the communities can be self forming around each individual, we just took a big jump towards FB challenger.

How did this go from an $8 dollar post to $4 post what the fuck 🤷‍♂️😤

A very clever algorithm! :(

that is what is unsustainable and unacceptable about steemit...

i upvoted @cryptoted and it took a penny from him...

that is an energetic imbalance and COMPLETE DISINCENTIVE

much to learn Steemit has, and evolve or die is as real as ever

I don't understand, how did his post start to lose value? I'm sorry, I'm very new to this, so I'm in the process of how this all works

It is very true but i believe the solution to this problem is if people who truly believe in their works were to build solid relationships with like-minded people, it would make everything seem just as steemit was created to do which is people rewarding people with good content. It would be like a whole new community on this platform who only support good content and

How did this go from an $8 dollar post to $4 post what the fuck 🤷‍♂️😤

The value of steem is not stable . I guess that why.

Oh, I understand now, the value is tied to the value swings of the cryptocurrency arena. So, his post didn't start to lose value based on votes, but by the crypto market - which swings like a pendulum lol

Steemit doesn't need to kill Facebook in order for it to change lives or the world for that matter. It can be a very good income stream, if you do it right.

The key is to find good people to follow, and to post regularly your own stuff.

It's more of an Art than it is a science.
Great to see your post, I trust things are well.


How did this go from an $8 dollar post to $4 post what the fuck 🤷‍♂️😤

I do agree about posts getting buried. I think the platform needs to be easier to navigate

@storcogato I agree with you on this point. Maybe because I'm a newbie but I really find it still pretty difficult here. Sometimes a bit "lonely" to..

sign up to steemit chat. PM me and I will gladly help you with anything you might need help with. I was confused for a good few weeks on how to navigate steemit

Gosh...thank you so much!!! I have steemchat. Hope I can find you cause it's still a bit of a mystery to me :p

Just send a private message to him on steemit chat and he will get your message ;)

@grizzlyadam4201 he helped me yesterday. Still very thankful for all the info he gave me :)

Thanks for the donation. Appreciated it much.

no prob, keep us updated

How did this go from an $8 dollar post to $4 post what the fuck 🤷‍♂️😤

Idk, maybe someone took back their upvote

How did this go from an $8 dollar post to $4 post what the fuck 🤷‍♂️😤

Hey everyone look at this cool post I just found!!


The quality of an average Facebook post is not better than an average Steemit post. The platform features for Facebook is the result of 13 years of development with an ever increasing and improving crew of developers, testers and marketeers.

Companies in the social media industry do not tend to have eternal life. But can you imagine an internet without Google? I can't at the moment, but maybe the way forward is an internet without big private companies at the helm. In that respect, Steemit is certainly a step forward and probably not the sole reason for the failing of other endeavors, but more likely on of the factors that contribute to disruptive developments.

It's a great time to be alive.

Yes definitely a great time to be alive so much has changed just in this decade
And we have front row seats to massive change

And like George Carlin said: "And I get to sit in the front row with pen and paper".

How did this go from an $8 dollar post to $4 post what the fuck 🤷‍♂️😤

I can imagine an internet without google. As a matter of fact this world would be better off without google. Their algorithm likes to favor things for no apparent reason. They come out with a new algorithm that shafts people for no reason. Not to mention, like social media they track your every move. The way I see it id like to see some other smaller search engines succeed. I mean google tax evades better than any business in existence thats pretty sad we let a huge corporation like google get away with it. I personally like duckduckgo anonymous searching at its finest :)

maybe , I think it will popular

For selfies 😂

It will be in less than 5 years.

People are always out for themselves. How is this different?

Think about it 🤔

A curator doesn't get all the profits. Where else can you make some money just having insightful comments? There is no CEO here taking all that ad money FROM your posts and profiting. The only people profiting here are curators and the people that comment, upvote, and resteem. Seems awfully different to me.

Are we not all in it to win it for ourselves? Sure id love to take all my money I earned and give it away. We all need money however. Thats not to say people are not out for the common good and want to see others succeed. If my post only makes me 10 bucks and yours makes a 100 all the power too you. Work hard to achieve success. Be lazy and well you get what you get....Thats how I see it anyway. No one here got where they are today rehashing old news, writing bland crappy content. No they worked hard and pushed out tons of content and in the start didnt make crap, but by growing a following, and being appreciated of others work they get paid now...seems fair to me. Hell what do you get out of twitter, facebook, instagram, pintrest? Seems to me they get all the traffic, the ad payout and what do you get? Some followers to follow your stuff, unless your selling something your giving your expertise out for nothing am I right?

That's one way of looking at it. Another way is "It was ever thus."

Another way still is that it's a self-solving problem. Those people producing garbage content will run out of (haha) steam when they find they're not earning millions per ten-word-post. Meanwhile, those that stay grinding, stay improving their content, stay learning the system and acquiring real followers, real mentors and a real tribe around them? They'll get there. See you on the cover of Moby Dick :D

I totally agree I plan on staying grinding just ready for people to run out of their (haha) steam


How did this go from an $8 dollar post to $4 post what the fuck 🤷‍♂️😤

Too many zombie sheeple out there

How did this go from an $8 dollar post to $4 post what the fuck 🤷‍♂️😤

Yeah, like George Carlin said: "People are DUMB!" And there are definitely too many of them right here!

I agree. It would take a miracle for society to turn around and head into the right direction

We are on the same page, @jetblake! For years I thought that about 99% of people were running in the wrong direction and there is nothing one can do to stop them. But, little miracles occur here and there and more and more people take their lives into their own hands after they found out that they were deceived.

I get good comments here and there on the internet, especially on YouTube, and one can see that more and more people get enlightened. Nice! :)

You have a point. I am new here but it does not really look promising for people posting genuine, useful content. My post gets hidden in no time by persons who have higher power. Ill see how it goes in the coming days.

It's not easy but don't give up. You'll start to see some techniques that will up both your profile and your earnings. Comments in posts on topics you are very interested in will help a lot with this.

Another thing is this: Google for the highest earning steemit posts and look at what they all have in common. Which of those things can you do? Start doing that. Tutorials in a skill, any skill. Cool photographs of wherever you live; if some 500-bucks-a-post travel blogger came to your town, where would they go? What would they do? Go there and do that 👍

Wow. Thanks for the valuable suggestions @edumurphy. I will do such.

Yes your right it doesn't take long for post to be hidden

How did this go from an $8 dollar post to $4 post what the fuck 🤷‍♂️😤

How did this go from an $8 dollar post to $4 post what the fuck 🤷‍♂️😤

Heheheheheh. Whoever upvoted you for the big bucks is either powering down or upvoted more people.

But hey, at least Steem price is going up :D

Oh wow. So unfair. Sorry bro

30 minutes is up this post is now dead 💀 😂

It looks like someone raised your post from the dead, @cryptostudent.

Well that's the first time that's happened 😂

How did this go from an $8 dollar post to $4 post what the fuck 🤷‍♂️😤

Well, that was fun @cryptostudent.

It may not kill FB but unlike FB (pun intended), Steemit gives its content producers an opportunity to earn money. I'm not against FB but FB's model is based on a traditional one where the site is primarily driven by user-generated content that is leveraged for greater advertising revenue. Why not give some of that revenue to its users?

How did this go from an $8 dollar post to $4 post what the fuck 🤷‍♂️😤

If Steemit doesn't do incentivized social media right, someone else will. That simple.

Cash rules. Facebook has been freeloading, imagine if it profit-shared..

I think if we get communities and it is done right things will be different. It is sad when your new and take your time to craft a really good post and watch it get buried by garbage making good money and yours that you have thought out for quite some time and did your best made nothing while something really stupid makes good money... Having communities where you can center around a specific topic would help for sure!

Id love nothing more to watch facebook die a slow death. People need to do something with their time other than wasting it away on likes on facebook for reposted garbage...

I completely agree

How did this go from an $8 dollar post to $4 post what the fuck 🤷‍♂️😤

@cryptostudent don't want to sound negative but actually I do agree with you.
Facebook is really much easier to nevigate.
As a newbie I really find it difficult to navigate here and sometimes it feels so lonely. But could be the reason that I don't understand much yet.
And Facebook on the other hand is much easier and you can connect with people much easier....

I hope they come out with a app soon

How did this go from an $8 dollar post to $4 post what the fuck 🤷‍♂️😤

First of all, it still in Beta. So there will probably be a few changes and tweaks until the real first release.

About posts burried after 30 min, it is just a matter of reorganizing the Feed algorithm : for now it justs takes latests posts.
But with a smarter algorithm, you could easily have, as in FB, a Feed that presents you first the authors that you upvoted/commented the most for example. With a judicious random function to add Feed content that you "could" like (by analyzing which tags you upvoted the most etc..). It could quickly become much better.

Anyway, you can still add a link to your older posts at the end of your new posts.

I hear you. It's annoying for me too. I put my heart into the stories that I write. I don't upvote junk. I hope no one serious does. Perhaps these flakes will eventually figure it out and slither back under the floorboards. One can only hope.
I upvoted you for your comment.

How did this go from an $8 dollar post to $4 post what the fuck 🤷‍♂️😤

I quit facebook for steemit entirely. I do think you are right though there are too many hard headed people out there unwilling to accept change.


How did this go from an $8 dollar post to $4 post what the fuck 🤷‍♂️😤

upvoted, followed and promoted the post!

thanks 🙏

Somebody awesome just promoted this post

I don't think steemit will kill facebook, and I don't think it will reach the level of facebook popularity in the next 3-5 years. But not for the same reason as you!! I just think facebook is too big and will only get bigger.

When you're someone new in Facebook... how many likes will you get? how many people will see your new page between the +10,000 pages that talks about the same topic?!! the same is here for steemit...

The way to survive here isn't really making "good content". It's making "good friends" but unlike reddit where the community values Jokes and memes... in this community, they're considered low-effort posts and are frowned upon. "Good Content" is the best way to get friends here!!

The fast way to make friends here is commenting on other people, and writing good posts made with effort. when the people like your comment they will see your posts, if they liked your posts your name might get stuck in their brain.... when they see your name often with good comments/content... then they'll consider being your friends.

In social media the majority always wins, if you don't want to be in majority then create your own minority that is more "bonded" than them... But making this great minorty will take far more effort than joining the majority!!....

The worst use of steemit, is "write it and they will come"... this is a social media.. no one cares about someone they don't know!!

I wouldnt be surprised if FB is having communications with steemit. Whats up with the facebook scripts that run on this page? I use the noscript addon to block facebook.

You are right, @cryptostudent! This platform is saturated with useless stuff, trolls and haters and even the most innocent, but really good blog (like my gardening blogs) will not get any reward in the beginning unless you have a "friend" here.

You have to "work your way up" - forever.

I personally think that all this Steemit platform is about, is pushing up Alexa ratings with every post, comment, reply, vote, read and make the cryptocurrency Steem mainstream knowledge. Good thinking on behalf of the owners.

This is not a platform where you can make money with good or bad content.

Actually, I was looking for a "delete my account" button, but I can't find it. So if I leave now, all my steem, steem dollars and steem power is gone.

I will keep looking.

You are correct this site will not even be on Facebook radar in its current form. If you ask to join and then have to wait a day or more to be approved to join then it will never work. I should be able to join a social network instantly. A lot of people will not even bother if they cannot join instantly because the majority of people actually work a real job and could care less about making a couple of cents here or there and those who are here to make money will get buried in the post of others who are not.

Has market for steemit, be easy !!

Not true; I see steemit becoming really big in the future its still to early to talk. @rogerblu

facebook will never been beaten because the most users don't care that they will be observed. Facebook has also a super high market cap of over 100 Billion. That's the whole cryptocurrency market times x

Yes you are absolutely right and I agree, once everyone almost ran to facebook, now after steemit, they all almost leave facebook.
Including me who used to be a true facebook user, now often in steemit.

Because maybe difacebook they can only pour out the heart without getting iimbalan (that's my mind) hihihi.

There's enough room in the world for both, surely?

How did this go from an $8 dollar post to $4 post what the fuck 🤷‍♂️😤