The First London Steemit Picnic - How did it all go?

in steemitmeetup •  6 years ago 

I wouldn't be in my natural habitat if I wasn't late to this party. In other words, the LAST one to write about how my own (un)official London Steemit meetup/picnic in the park went. 

But first, a HUGE thanks to @redrica for helping me promote it on Discord and coordinate on the day, and to everyone who showed up (you know who you are)! I know it wasn't many of us but it was still - very much worth it and I'm glad to hear that everyone had a good great bloody time! 

And I'm definitely up for a few more picnics as long as this British summer weather holds ;-)


OK. Let's see how did my prep go down first...

Did I forget to bring Prince Harry's and Megan's Royal Wedding masks? 

Yes, I totally did. And I remembered it too late when @yasminep and I were already on the tube, half way through our journey.

Did I bring @demotruk's infamous GIANT Steemit umbrella?

No. I didn't. After speaking to @redrica - I thought it was only going to be a handful of us (i.e. 4 people). Little did I know that we had a few more non-Steemians and @neopch joining us all the way from Birmingham (who WAS in fact looking for that Steemit umbrella - sorry, mate!). 

And to be completely honest with you, as soon as I got to the park - I immediately wished I had brought it with me. It can be a real pain to find people in a park and if anyone, I think @rod.crisafulli felt the pain the most (also - sorry, buddy!).

Did I bring @allasyummyfood's drinks cooler?

Nope. @yasminep and I decided against it since we were popping into the pub to catch a bit of the Royal Wedding so it would have been a bit of a drag. Good thing that @redrica saved us all by bringing her bag cooler(?!) - is that what it was? Lol

But (a BIG BUT), what about...

  • BOOZE ✅(a few G&Ts, a bottle of Prosexy and a bottle of vino. That's right - we drank it all)
  • FOOD ✅(I won't go into detail but let's just say, Waitrose do a phenomenon picnic selection!)
  • Blanket ✅(though it is definitely not meant for picnic
  • Speakers ✅(and of course, some great TUUUNES)
  • Cards ✅(though we ended up playing Cards Against Humanity instead - thanks to @redrica!)
  • Beautiful selves ✅(always)

My highlights from the day:

  1. When @yasminep and I finally managed to find a quiet local pub to watch a bit of the Royal Wedding. Even better, it was called the Buckingham Arms! Half hour was more than enough, plus we got the best bits (yes, the kiss)

  2. Getting a FREE "wedding" cake at the pub. Not sure about you but anything free is always a highlight for me (casual rhyme drop there. Just saying...😏)

  3. Witnessing a REAL LIFE PROPOSAL at St. James' Park literally 5 mins after @yasminep and I sat down, 5 meters away from us! (I mean, come onnnn - on the Royal Wedding day? With the entire park clapping?! We even wanted to offer them some Prosecco to celebrate but were a tad too late. Sigh...)

  4. @redrica's friend showing up at the picnic whilst being on her SECOND DATE and staying with us pretty much the entire time (apart from the couple of trips to the toilet, whe-he-heyyy. Haha)

  5. Visit to the WILLOW TREES x 2. Lol

  6. @rea turning up with the most delicious M&S selection JUST at the right time (and beating my Waitrose food, for sure. Whatevs 🙄haha)

  7. Cards Against Humanity. (Is. The. Greatest. Game. Ever.)

  8. ALL THAT SUN ON MY FACE (and with that, my slightly burnt forehead the next day. Lol)

  9. Getting merry in the sun (finally) and just in general GREAT-bloody-VIBES

  10. Oh, and how could I forget the GIANT BUBBLES (see some photos below!)


  1. That long ass queue (women's only - obviously) and the stinky toilet (men's only - obviously) in the Inn Park Cafe - I should have never listened to my best mate @yasminep... 🙄🙄🙄Lol

To top it all off, here are a few of my favourite snapshots from the day (not nearly as good as @rea's OR @redrica's, OR @yasminep's) but still. Enjoy!

Love this girl with all my heart and I couldn't be happier to have her back!

And yes, I did get a little obsessed with the giant bubbles... 🙄 the way, it wasn't just me, mmokay? Look at that kid's FACE! Lol


Plus, I saw a parrot on my way home. How random is that? (sorry, Yas!)

Until next time!


Inga x

P.S. And don't forget to check out these great posts from all the lovely people who came on the day!

  2. STEEMians London Picnic Meetup @ St. Jame's Park - by @neopch
  3. The Steemit London Picnic Meetup / Steemit 伦敦野餐聚会 - by @rea
  4. Pictures from the great day we had at @ingaaa's picnic meetup! - by @redrica
  5. First London meet-up with @ingaaa and co! - by @yasminep

Did I miss anyone? ;-)

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Greetings, linda ingaa

I wanted to be there with you. Seems to have been a relaxed day. Am I right?

Picnic is something very cool to be done. I've done in a park here in Brazil with my ex-girlfriend and I thought it was really cool. I want to do it again, but, now I have no girlfriend:(

When I'm in your country, I will call you for a picnic. You live in England, right?

Do the picnic and then we're going to watch a game of Manchester United. I really want to see how a game in a stadium with this level of play, and infrastructure.

Your photos all look so beautiful. The Park is beautiful, in addition to the attractions look to be very interesting.

Thank you for posting and good night!!

Was a great opportunity to me to know @yasminep and @neopch
and to play once again with @redrica, I am a devoted fan of her
so cool!

Haha I have a fan?! Aww love you too Rod! Thank you for appreciating my crazy :P

@redrica As your "Venezuelan FAN #1" I have an idea tailored for U and your Alter ego. I will tell U more Saturday : )
Saludos to the family.

Hahaha can't wait to hear more :)

Trust me, you have a few @redrica! 😏😏😏

A very accurate write-up there, Ings haha! Love it. Minus the parrot of course!

Haha that parrot was the most random thing! I actually forgot to mention that dead bird too... poor thing.

All the action happens when I'm away.
Looks like a blast. Perfect weather and all. Luckily he wedding was in Windsor :)

Haha man, you’ve missed so much action. Time to catch up! Lol where were you anyway and are you coming to the supper club this Sat?

I was in Canada
Now I'm in Nevada
(See I can rhyme too 😎✌🏿)

This sounds like so much fun! I am inspired to do a Steem meet-up in Calgary! Just don't know anyone that steems here!! Haha!! How did you all connect to get everyone to join up??! 💙💚💙

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Through other events and meet ups. Me mainly via my sister as she’s been on Steemit since the beginning. Try to maybe use a hashtag and see if anyone else picks it up?

Good idea! Who is your sister? Thank-you for your ideas and for responding!

@allasyummyfood (sorry for a late reply, it's been busy few weeks!)

This.. I want to eat this.. I'd drink a Maibock with it.

Awwww love your post!!! Sometimes it's better late because at least you've had the time to really let it sink in :P

Reading this was a great reminder of what happened that day, so many funny moments! God damn it, we can be so funny sometimes...

I love that our London crew is shaping up to be what it is :) See you next Sat for more shenanigans, lady <3

I know! I love our little London community, though not so little anymore :-)

Can’t wait for more laughs and giggles tomorrow! And yes, true about everything sinking in although my memory can give up on me sometimes too! Lol xX

See you sooon <3

That looks like a blast!!
Following you!!

Aww, thanks! It was such a good day indeed ☺️

Wow looks like you had a great picnic! Love the giant bubbles!! :D

Haha thank you, we really did! And those bubbles were awesome! Join us next time if you’re in London!

That would be so fun, thank you!! I will let you know if I visit London ;) And you have a picnic invitation if you ever visit Stockholm/Sweden :D

Aww, thank you. Never been and would love to visit. I have a good Uni friend living in Stockholm actually so will let you know if I end up visiting him one day :-)

You are beautiful! I like your blog as well. Following you<3

Aww, thank you (and sorry for a late reply)!

@ingaaa 's POWER!


Haha, I loved that! Great video as always, my man.

Haha loved that! A great video as always, my man!