My name is, what? The SteemIt Name Challenge - @dragosroua

in steemitnamechallenge •  6 years ago 


It appears that I've been nominated in the Steemit Name Challenge by @yabapmatt. The challenge is very simple:

Tell us in a post how you chose the current Steemit username you have. The story behind it.

Well, it's gonna be a relatively short story.

It's just my real name. I know that for an English native speaker my name sounds like it was researched to sound in an exotic, Harry Potter-ish way, with hints of dragons and witches, but it's not.

My real name is Dragos Roua. The last letter of Dragos is actually a "ș", which is pronounced "sh", and the last letter of Roua is actually "ă", which is pronounced like the vowel in "the".

I was born Romanian, but I consider myself a citizen of the world.

And that's pretty much it.

But there is a little bit of a story behind my decision to use my real name and not my usual avatar name, which is, believe it or not, edragonu.

When I first started to blog, more than 10 years ago, I didn't want to use my real name so I chose something "spectacular". Or so I thought. Never mind. Fact is I started to blog on a domain called, and for a few years my blog was called Edragonu. Weird, I know.

Around 5-6 years ago I decided it's too much of a hassle to keep identifying with an artificial name, and switched to my real name. It's way, way simpler. And because my name is quite rare, even in Romania, it's easier to get identified with. To my knowledge, I'm the only person named Dragos Roua at this moment. There might have been a few other social media characters with this name, but I doubt they're actually named Dragos Roua.

So, that's it.

I'm nominating the next 5 people to this challenge:

Steem on!

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

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Plain and simple, very good Dragos.

It is much better to post under a pseudo-name and avoid the hassle of any random person learning all of our personal information . BTW your name really sounds exotic!

Looks like I was one of the few who knew Dragos spells with a "ș" and Roua with "ă". BTW the name Roua I met a few times before, but you're the first Dragos Roua I've met on the social media platforms.

that's interesting to know. :-) does "Dragos Roua" mean anything in Romanian?

"Dragos" comes for the the root "dragoste", which means "love". And "Roua" means dew :)

ohh, nice. your name actually sounds like a heroic fiction character yet it has a very artistic meaning behind it.

Love dew, very poetic. 😊

eu dragoste roua! 💓

Goodness me, was pronouncing wrong before, quite musical with this pronunciation. More like an avatar, itself :) Beautiful name, indeed!

Well, there is dragon in you, a positive one i mean. You are a fighter whose ideal is making impacts here.

I will participate in this challenge, just for the fun of it.

haha, finally i get the correct pronounciation to your name. I already kind of knew it was your real name all along, which i thought the 'Dragos' was really related to dragons and knights,by the way you're Romanian...definately some dragon lineage, which is knowing this is nice really, salut mare om

.definately some dragon lineage

how would you know that? :) You made me curious...

hmmn, lets just say i know few things about my favorite bloggers :D

I for one appreciate you using your own name.

I understand the reason for anonymity here and I contemplated doing it myself, so I get it. I ultimately made the same decision to use my name because I didn't want to hide behind a persona.

I've done that before but I guess I'm finally at an age where it no longer has much of an appeal.

Also, if someone is going to spend a lot of time posting images or videos of themselves, their children, their family, rooms in their homes, outside somewhere, while eventually saying where they live or thereabouts, what's the reason for anonymity then? If people really want to find you, they will find you.

As it is, though, there are plenty of cool, good and fun people here who for whatever reasons have decided to use some name other than their own. I value the engagement with them just as much, so I'm just going to say, do what you feel is best for you and yours, and steem on. :)

Good to know the story behind....Its indeed very unique and difficult to pronounce for non natives:)

I already knew it was your real name but it was fun to hear why you switched from an avatar.

Also useful to be reminded of the correct pronunciation. Now I will have to wait and see if I remember it for the next time we meet! 😁

Hehehehe finally he joined...This is great. Lots of big names on steemit has joined this challenge and I must say it has been the biggest challenge so far on this blockchain.

Thanks for the explanation. I find it interesting to learn more about some of the posters on Steemit. You have a great name. And I have already voted for you as witness. Keep up the good work.

Hello Dragos Roua, nice to meet you!
(My keyboard doesn't offer all the accents in your name, so I can't spell it properly ;))

I didn't actually know that was your real name. Also didn't know that you were from Romania. Nice to get to know you a little better.

I think it is cool that you have a unique name. It is easier than trying to say, no, I am not John Smith or Harry Brown!

Keep it in English so i will be able to track you ...
i like reading your posts will be sad to loss you if i will not be able to find your name...

My husband's questions about a suitable name told me that the word Rose was weak in Romanian
The name of the roses is placed in the Romanian language
Really a nice thing

Sounds cool, I even love to engage with real people than with people behind a mask. A lot of people here tends to keep their identity hidden, so it was some courage using yours here.

well I have always thought it was a handle instead of your name but since coming from Romania and a lot of imagery of dragons in that part there would be a connection.

if in my opinion when joining this steemit I directly use my real name so that people quickly get to know my account why so I was too late to join steemit first my friends friends so easy to know each other and read my post also upvote in indonesia and have community steemit Indonesia (KSI) then I use the real name here is my short story thanks

Finally it got corrected, I couldn't pronounce it well, now I can

My name is Intisar.It's easy to me but people can't call me by this name. This name was given by my mom.Thats means the name was mine victory.

Congrats on such achievement


semoga nama anda diabadikan dalam sejarah Steemian @DRAGOSROUS

Really cool concept.

Really nice thing. The name of the roses is placed in the Romanian language. I will participate in this challenge.

Hope you are so good?
Plain And Simple And Very Very Good Dragos

what is the meaning of your name @dragosroua :)

And before this I thought It is dragos something like related to dragons.

I was thinking that it was a fake name until now 😅