The Steemit Name Challenge - @pawos

in steemitnamechallenge •  7 years ago  (edited)


First of all, I don't like challenges. But let me make an exception. Principles suck when you don't ignore them sometimes. So I'll do that. I was nominated by @reggaemuffin to participate in the steemit name challenge of @felobtc and because I like his contribution and there is even a connection that appeals to me immediately. To the rules of the challenge:

  1. Tell us in a post how you chose the current Steemit username you have.
    The story behind it.
  2. Tell us your real name!
  3. If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
  4. Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that the creator of the challenge can track all the posts and check them out.
  5. Nominate 5 people for this challenge.


  1. @pawos is an abbreviation and stands for Panther Woods! The full name was too long for me and so I chose the short one. The name originates in my teenage years and is according to that quite old. Like @reggaemuffin I love the panther, which is actually a leopard, whose coat is black due to the inheritance of a recessive gene. But not only because these animals are rarer, I feel connected to them. As a child I was always the smallest and often the weakest of all and I had to fight very hard to stand my ground. At that time we had a black cat and I often wished she would be a big wild cat protecting me against the rest of the world. A large, strong and graceful animal, quiet and faithful. But it was just a little cat, cute and cuddly. Everyone loved her and she loved everyone. Here my fantasy had to help the reality on the jumps. Panther Woods - never heard? What about Eldrick Tont „Tiger“ Woods? Haha, sounds funny but I always thought his nick name is awesome. And by the way, I really like the forest!

  2. My real name is S...hit. Lol! Love doesn't care about names ;-)

  3. Changing it would be out of the question for me. It's good the way it is. Catchy and short. But what if the name had already been assigned? I guess I would have called myself @camillo then. This account is already registered, which also shows a problem. There are too many dead accounts, whose names will never become available again. Unfortunately.

  4. Did I do that? Oh yes, I did.

  5. I'd really like to know the origins of the usernames of @shaka, @flipstar, @jedigeiss, @freiheit50 and @underground, but as you know I don't like challenges. That's why this is more an invitation. Like @shortcut said: Feel free to skip this, if you don't like being nominated.

Pictures from HDW wallpapers. Click on the photos to get to the source.

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:-) und ich dachte immer, dass "Pawos" etwas damit zu tun hat:

Pawos [dpa’ bo, skr. vīra], „Held“, wie einige der Orakel Bhutans genannt werden (s. u.), fungieren als Mittler zwischen den Welten der Götter und der Menschen.
... Noch heute finden wir an vielen Orten Bhutans Orakelpriester, und es gibt in der
Literatur zahlreiche Publikationen, die sie beschreiben. Während in Ostbhutan
weibliche in Trance fallende Orakel als Pam [dpa’ mo, skr. vīrā], „Heldinnen“, bezeichnet
werden, heißen ihre (männlichen) Pendants im Westen des Landes Pawos.

So kann man sich täuschen. Ich hab sogar nen Blog gefunden mit deinem Steemit Namen:

Danke für die Erhellung deiner Namenswahl. S... hit! LOL

Without participating this challenge I give you a short answer:
Freedom is an essential part of my philosophy of life.
I gained more freedom in the age of 50 when leaving my company.
That's it.

great :D

Panther Woods! Glad you shared that. Once when we were driving along the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina a very large black cat crossed the road in front of us -- a Black Panther.

It was so large that at first we thought it was a deer, but it was a cat. Problem is, in America experts claim that is like saying you saw "Bigfoot" -- they don't exist.

The whole experience lasted less than 3 seconds, but my wife and I distinctly saw a VERY large cat. Anyway, it the post the expert claims it isn't possible, but if you read the comments, lots of people had the same kind of experience we had.

Now I'm really learning more from you and the secret origins of your "user's" name!! I need to confess, no matter what, when I was a child I menace my parents thinking I was a panther. :)
I was nominated to this challenge too and I need to make my post!!
But, I came here because I want to share with you some other information in wich you maybe will be interested, or maybe you know already. Anyway, HERE, it is! You need to search for the number 28 of 200, and I think that's so great!! :)
All the best for everyday, dear @Pawos, in projects, in Life!!

Ahhhh sieh mal einer an, so geht das also mit deinem Namen, man lernt immer was neues hier, über die Menschen.

My real name is S...hit. Lol! Love doesn't care about names ;-)

Mehr hätte es gar nicht gebraucht. ;)
Aber schön, dass du uns auch noch ne Geschichte dazu erzählt hast! :)

Ich finde deinen Beitrag zur #steemitnamechallenge super klasse👍 -resteem-
Deine Erklärungen/Geschichten sehr interessant und unterhaltsam geschrieben!

Psst, not my challenge. I was nominated myself :P

ay, but who is the creator of this challenge - do you know that?

As far as I know it was felobtc.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

thanks, @shortcut! corrected that now.

Mit diesem Artikel von @felobtc hat vor 13 Tagen alles angefangen.

besten dank, @oliverschmid. manchmal gar nicht so einfach, den urheber einer challenge zu finden. das geht so schnell, da erinnert sich kaum noch jemand daran. hab das jetzt richtig gestellt. lg

Gerne. Definitiv, wurde auch erst durch den freundlichen Hinweis von @shortcut auf die richtige Fährte geführt.

Hier hat @felobtc gestern ein Resümee verfasst.

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