My entry for the Steemit Name Challenge!

in steemitnamechallenge •  7 years ago  (edited)

@felobtc tagged me in a fun new challenge! It's called the Steemit Name Challenge!
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Here are the rules:

  • Tell us in your post how you chose the current Steemit username you have, the story behind it.

  • Tell us your real name!

  • If you could change your current Steemit username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!

  • Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that I can track all the posts and check them out

  • Nominate 5 people for this challenge

How did I choose my username?

I chose my username @snowpea because it's what I'm called all the time! Shortly after my husband and I met, he just came up with it. My husband is a master at dubbing people with nicknames. Some of the nicknames he came up with for friends in highschool have stuck around to this day. Soaf-a-loaf is our 3 year old daughter, pickles is our 5 year old daughter, chloebear is our 6 year old daughter, hummingbird is our 8 year old daughter, and javabean is our 10 year old son. Rondo is a friend from highschool. Sometimes he gave people nicknames that weren't so nice when he didn't like them. Like test-tube-mick, (as if he was a test-tube baby) a nickname that spread and the dude hated it! 😂

At first I didn't like snowpea, because my stepdad called my mom sweetpea and as a teenager I would always roll my eyes and think it was the corniest thing, but after some time, snowpea grew on me. 😊

My real name:

My real name is Sharee. It's pronounced shah-ree, not sherry. When people say my name for the first time, they usually say sherry, and I've gotten so used to it, that I don't even correct them anymore.

If I could change my username, what would it be?

I have a slight pet peeve over usernames that are too hard to pronounce or spell. I think the shorter and more memorable a username is, the better. Both for the person behind the name, and for other Steemians. Sorry if this has offended anyone, I still love you!!

In light of that, I would pick the following names that just popped into my head:

  • boots
  • pinkie
  • killgirl
  • spellbound
  • wtf123
  • slinky
  • searcher

My husband has been calling me steemqueen lately too, so maybe that one!

You see? Short and sweet. Easy to spell, and easy to remember. 😃

I was just notified by GINAbot that a person named @oladayoamusan just posted a love it/shove it post. Glad to meet you! But I'll definitely be copy/pasting that one! 😂😘

For this challenge I will nominate people with names I'm curious about:


Thank you @felobtc for coming up with this challenge!

Much love, snowpea ❤


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What a lovely story behind your username, my dear @snowpea. Your husband is such expert in creating nicknames and I had never seen so much of them in a family, what makes it so cute!!

Thank you my darling for being part of this challenge, really enjoyed reading it!! =D


Thanks @felobtc for the challenge! It was fun! :D

I love pet names/creative terms of endearment!

And I always suspected that's what yours was. 😀
And the little ones' names?
The best!!!!

And I totally agree with you about preferring names to be easy to remember. I don't know how many times I have to go back and triple check things! 🤣

Hi @carrieallen! I know, such cute names for the kiddos, I didn't come up with any of them lol! 😃 I like your username! very easy to remember! 😉 Thanks for your comment!! ❤

Like all the nicknames for the kids. I rarely use our kids real names, unless they are in trouble...or about to be for not listening.

What are their nicknames @thedarkhorse?

I have a name that cannot be pronounced correctly either. I now just answer to some form of the letter sounds randomly put together ;) I like the story behind your Steemit name's cute that your husband gave it to you!

And there I was thinking you had a pea plantation in Alaska! So very fun you have nicknames for all the family, a very insightful post for this challenge. And people with difficult to account names, who on earth could that be? 😳

Thanks @c0ff33a, yeah no pea plantation lol! Hopefully this challenge spreads so we can find out about these difficult names! :)

This was a really fun post to read and how creative with your husbands choice of nicknames. I love how all your kids have such cute nicknames to 😉 and the petnames.. Lol
I loved this and fun to get to know you better and here about your name. I like @snowpea and your name Sharee is really beautiful.
Thank you for sharing. Happy Monday!
Much Love 🤗💙💚💛💜

Ed loves the name snowpea-it seems so innocent. Boots and killgirl would be great names too.