Superhero Secrets

in steemitnamechallenge •  6 years ago  (edited)

I have been nominated by the lovely and amazing Aishlinn aka @trucklifefamily for a two in one challenge. First the #steemitnamechallenge where I reveal the Solarsupermama origin story. Then 5 things you probably don't know about me. I love these kinds of things. I love learning more about who people are and what makes them tick. I am always interested in the inner workings.

I'm a capricorn. As such I am incredibly straightforward. From the beginning all my email addresses have been some variation of my name. Any social media account has always been under my real name or the name of one of my businesses. I've never had the inkling to change my name. I'm just a practical kind of gal. In fact I never changed my name when I got married partly because I think that's bullshit but also because it's such a pain in the ass. Go change all my documents and cards. Um? No thanks.

Also, I'm a superhero, see? Well, supervillain, whatever. Same thing. That's me on the left and my daughter in the middle.

I also don't really hide much or hold much back. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I say what I think and am pretty quick to share my beliefs. I'm rarely suspicious, and I'm pretty sure I'm not important enough to have the government or whatever other boogeyman watching me. Of course I've always known nearly all governments and large corporations are up to horribly nefarious stuff, but I doubted they were concerned with me.

It appears I may have been mistaken. Worst of all my brother was right about Facebook. Perhaps I should have created a secret identity long ago. I still don't honestly think they're after me specifically. I'm way under the radar and little threat to anyone. On top of that, I believe some of this secret identity is little more than the little masks the Incredibles put on. Are we really hiding anything from entities that really, really want to know. I always feel if someone wants to find you and figure out what you're up to, they will, especially if they have loads of money.

You can't see me!!

My @solarsupermama story is pretty simple and straightforward, like me. A little over a year ago, I joined a team of people who refer homeowners and business owners to local and regional solar power providers and get a referral fee in exchange. My friend who started the team named it Warren's Solar Superheroes, so I immediately began to refer to myself as the SolarSuperMama. When I started on steemit, I thought one of my main goals would be to spread the word about my solar business, so I stuck with the name. I quickly became more fascinated by other aspects of steemit, but I'm happy with the name still, and I think it sounds cool.

My real name is Kristin Harling, and if I were to change my steemit name, it would probably be that. My nickname is Lucy, so something related to that might be an option. Being in Belize is definitely something that stands me out in a crowd, so there could be a Belize thrown in there.

Part II

Now, for five things you don't know about me. This could really be quite easy because I know almost zero people on here in real life. For example I could probably put the color of my eyes as one of the five and have that count. However, I'm gonna give a go at being a bit more creative than that. Oddly enough, I talk a fair amount on here about dark bits of my past and my deepest desires and beliefs, so that makes it a little more challenging.

I want a pirate ship.

  • I long to learn how to sail and go across the Atlantic to Africa. It's something I have wanted to do since I was in my early 20's
  • I did a firewalk some years ago. I should do a post about that actually. It was an incredible experience. Once you have walked across hot coals and not received a single burn, it's not really possible to tell yourself there's something you can't do anymore.
  • In a similar vein, I also did a vision quest. Four days and four nights on the mountain with no shelter, no food, and no water praying for a vision. The community keeps a fire going for the entire time and consciously eats and drinks for the questers. In my case, it started raining the first night and didn't stop until the end of day four. They kept a fire going even though it was periodically floating. Whenever I got hungry or thirsty, I cried out to my community and felt nourished. After this, I can't deny we are all connected.
  • The first time I went skinny dipping was in the Philippines, and the phosphorescents were all around lighting all of us up, and it was absolutely magical until tiny little jellyfish started stinging my boobs.
  • I have had four miscarriages in addition to my four children. It is a heart wrenching affair, and just like depression, something we don't talk about enough.

Well, I hope that was interesting for you. Now I'm nominating 5. If you wanna go for it, do it. No pressure, though, and I apologize if you already did it, and I missed it!
@likedeeler, @shello, @artemislives, @squishysquid, and @limabeing

As always, all pictures are mine or Pixabay.
I'm a passenger on the @ecotrain, as well as a member of @steemitmamas and @teamgirlpowa.

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Sweet post. Wow - 4 miscarriages as well as 4 living children? You have EARNED the title of supermama!! Hugs. :)

Thanks. It was rough at various times, but it seems all things evolve as they should.

Hello Mama Kristin! <3

I enjoyed learning about these awesome secrets of yours. And here I thought I was the adventurous one c; I would want to go on a vision quest myself, but I might need to begin building the mental fortitude to endure it. I already see you as a pirate, ship or not.

OKAY! Challenge accepted.
With love,

Yay! Someone knows I'm a pirate! That's so affirming!!

A vision quest is a magical experience. I think the most important thing is finding the right community to support you. That's key. I never trust any of the ones that want to be paid. I gave gifts to my teacher and the vision quest chief, but asking for money always strikes me as weird.

Excited to see your response! Is there a way to see when someone tags you? I miss tags all the time, but others seem to see them, so there must be a way?!

join up with ginabot, she's not a voting bot you send her .001 sbd or something like that and she notifies you on discord whenever someone mentions you or resteems your post or makes a comment, she can do other stuff too but that's what i use her for,

Rock and roll. Thanks, mama. That's exactly what I need!

I agree, all of my mentors don't charge me to learn. I understand that payment is important, but a person should be able to help donate or help without demanding it. Gina bot is really good, anytime someone tags, follows, or anything I do get to know about it.

I feel like my life is a solo vision quest sometimes lol, would be cool to be in the wilderness and receive epiphanies though! <3 :D

I agree. The fact that it is a gift is really what makes it special.

It's truly amazing to get out into the wilderness and give up everything, including eating, and just pray. It's an incredibly beautiful experience.

Hopefully I'll get to find out for myself first hand someday c:

I hope so too.

I love this, thank you so much for sharing some more about yourself with us. I would so love to have a pirate ship, that's one fine dream and please do tell us about the fire walk. I am so sorry to hear about your misscarriages, I agree totally that we need to talk about them more. I have experienced one and the pain you carry is so heavy, I can not imagine 4, so much respect for you mama, much love xx

I think I will do a fire walk one.

Miscarriages are incredibly difficult, and people just sort of hide them. It's very odd. The first was when I was 17, so that was quite a different challenge. One was at 12 weeks gestation, so that was definitely the hardest one. Pain is always relative though, right?