Random Monday's: The Steemit Name Challenge - @travelling-two

Hello Steemians Friends,

It's back to the daily grind for most of us! We hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! Although, we worked, we had a great time. Our saying is: 'If we're earning, we're not burning (cash)'. As Lil Dicky would say 'You got to Save Dat Money'. Que music:

Anyway, we're going off the point here as always!

We were recently nominated by @fitrianizar for this #steemitnamechallenge. We accept the challenge! @fitrianizar is a new Steemian and she has been inspired by our travel writing and experience, which we are so grateful for. This is our purpose for starting this blog, but we're getting ahead of ourselves as the reason behind our Steemit username is the purpose. And therefore, if we spill the beans now, this would be our shortest post ever (word count so far: 146). So, before we go on with our story, we would like to thank @taskmaster4450 for creating this intriguing challenge and let us reminder ourselves of the rules:

The Rules

  • Tell us in a post how you chose your current Steemit username. The story behind it.
  • Tell us your real name!
  • If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
  • Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that the creator of the challenge can track all the posts and check them out.
  • Nominate 5 people for this challenge.

We're going to do this in reverse order to be annoying and different, but mainly the first reason.

Our Nominations

  1. @hotboxtheplanet (new Steemian)
  2. @wallawallabree (new Steemian)
  3. @hr1 (we've been privileged to get his/her upvote for time to time, but got no clue who is behind this mysterious account...and we probably won't)
  4. @scrooger (team member behind @qurator)
  5. @travellit (never got to ask them during our meet-up in Chiang Mai)

Guys, you have been nominated so we hope to see your posts up and running soon!

What Would Our New Username Be? And Why?

We never really gave our username on Steemit a thought. We were desperate to get started, but we knew creating our username should be travel related and so we did a trial and error until we got our username. We did think of combining our names like 'Samecca' or 'Secca' or 'Beam', but those names do not really have an identify that everyone could relate to. So, if we could change our Steemit name, we would go for 'lost-and-found', which is sometimes the feeling we get as we're still searching for a place to real feel comfortable and call home OR 'temporarydisplaced' - comes from 'Temporary' and 'Displaced' (if you couldn't figure that puzzle out). Again, it's from the feeling we get from time to time. It would have suited us more as we're not constantly travelling and many people get confused, so why are you called 'travelling-two' then?!

Tell Us Your Real Names

There's two of us, so you'll be getting two. @travelling-two is made up of Samuel (Sam for short) Lefevre and Rebecca (Becca for short) Slade. Sam is a mixture of English, Thai and seasoned with a bit of French (can't speak it though). Becca is English, but had her upbringing in Portugal.

Sam and Becca

Hunting for Street Art in Penang

The Story Behind The Name: @travelling-two

Once Upon A Time In A Land Far Far Away...

Oh, wait, that's a different story. We're picking up the wrong books here. Bare with us....

Now, where did we leave it???

Here, it is! Some time later this week, it will be Sam's and Becca's three year anniversary #relationshipgoals. Ever since we first started dating back in 2015, we always had one passion in common and that was to explore the world. Due to Sam's upbringing, he already covered three continents before he was an adult (18), which stretched from Australia to Spain. This upbringing might have its advantage of being cultural aware and give you a global perspective (some key words from his CV right there), but what it leaves behind is a foundation. Where were his roots? Was he equally English and Thai or was he none, but all. He is known as a Third Culture Kid (parents from two different countries, but he grew up in several other countries). The traits of a Third Culture Kid are that they don't feel like they belong anywhere, but feel accepted everywhere. Can you catch that drift? It's almost a contradiction, but it ain't. This feeling is why he loves to travel and explore new cultures because he feels he can easily integrate, however, maybe secretly he is looking for a place to call 'home'. Becca caught the travel bug in her teens when she made several trips to Southern Africa (mainly Mozambique). Her father was based out there for work and she fell in love with the scenery, the hardworking, but equally laid-back lifestyle and of course, the nature and environment. She had only explored parts of Europe and Africa, but upon meeting Sam (that's for another post), she has covered another continent (and 12 countries). They will continue their travel adventures together!

So, why the name? You didn't answer the god damn question!!! Why @travelling-two because there's two of us and ever since we started dating we always wanted to start a travel blog to document our travels together and previous ones too. We never got around to buying a domain and creating a blog/website due to (a) time, (b) fear and (c) motivation. We were slaving away in London when we lived there that our free time was time to recharge our body batteries. The fear came from the fear of writing a travel post and receiving zero reads for our efforts, yet we changed our mentality now and we're doing it (on Steemit) for us as a hobby and as a memory map. We're forever grateful for readers, it's a bonus! Lastly, the motivation was lacking, which stems from the first two points. Now, we are motivated to write for ourselves and others to read, but we would be lying if we said it's not about the money. The rewards are great, even if it's half a $, it's better than nothing. You never know what STEEM might be like in the future!

On the beach in Krabi

Cheers from the Heineken Experience in Amsterdam

We hope you enjoyed reading our post about the story behind our Steemit name. It's pretty simple, but we hope the story gave you a better sense of who we are!

Stay Classy Steemians!

Random Monday’s is a post written by the @travelling-two every Monday to keep their blog spontaneous and to not focus solely on travel, food, nature and their other passions.

Thank you for taking the time to read our post. If you really like our content, please follow us as we post regularly with different topics from Monday to Friday (with some exceptions at the weekends). How about your followers? Would they like this post? If so, please resteem it! Finally, if you are generous, please give us an Upvote! We thank you in advance! Lots of love / @travelling-two

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Awww! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thanks Karen :D ❤️

So that's where the name comes from! Was so great to get to know you two more - didn't know that Sam was a fellow hapa too! (Norma is repping the hapa gang too - half Chinese half Italian :P )

And totally feel you on the website, we're still trying to set ours up but it's just so damn daunting!

That is where our name comes from! We do end up travelling every month it seems, so our name is quite valid 😜 Plus we have a bunch of travel writing from the past to catch up with!

Good to know that Norma is a 'half caste' like Sam too. That's a nice mix of Chinese and Italian. Did she ever live in Italy or China? Sam lived in Rome for 8 years of his life (10-18). Speaks a bit of Italian, but losing it as he doesn't use it daily.

We would do a website once we feel we're totally ready to submerge in the digital nomad world. For now, we're not there. Looking forward to seeing yours once it's up and running.

Hey Becca and Sam!
Thanks for accepting the challenge. Now I and your other readers finally understood why you chose the name.
It's gonna be a great memories to remember, as you are growing old but your travel and life journey is everlasting in @travelling-two account.
Hope you guys being blessed all the time and long last!
Now let me congratulate your #relationshipgoal ! "Happy 3th year anniversary Becca and Sam". We are so happy for you.❤️

Hey @fitrianizar! You're welcome and we had fun writing our Steemit Name Challenge.
It's our little place in the World Wide Web and yes it's there for memories. Stuck on the Blockchain and can't be edited ever again in 6 days time!
Thanks for your blessing and right back at you 😊
Thank you for your congratulations! Time does fly! Wow, 3 years already, but we've known each other for much longer. Sam just never had the courage to ask Becca out before until he managed to find some strength to do so. ❤️

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY YOU TWO where are you traveling-two for your anniversary (see what i did there haha ) you guys are such a cute couple and im glad i got to meet both of you at The Green Lung of Bangkok :) thank you for your nomination ill be thinking of a post for this challenge haha :)

Hahaha had to read it out loud to understand it LOL ;)

Nowhere special this year....to the cinema to watch Avengers: Infinity Wars. Becca's next visa run is in May. Contemplating on a few destinations.

Thanks for that. It was great meeting you, Bree and Nick on Friday. We hope you get the chance to head to Erawan waterfalls. If not, then we still hope you have a great time in Thailand! We know this won't be your first and last time outside America. The world is out there to be explored, so just go for it! :D

Looking forward to reading about your Steemit Name - we're guessing it's to do with legalizing marijuana all over the planet? Yet, we could be totally off topic! :p

Hahaha yeah man i am definitely not staying in one place any more haha i cant wait to find new places to travel :) we werent able to make it to the erawin falls be cause we wanted to travel the islands and we knew it was going to be pricey but we are in phi phi island right now so the sacrifice paied off haha :) and is the challenge timed haha cus it might take me a while to write it down because i suck at writing,spelling, and punctuation hahaha and when i see your amazing posts i think to my self damn its going to be hard to match that haha especially because this hole thing is a run on sentence hahaha

Yes we saw from Mo that you're down in Phuket and now Phi Phi. Enjoy it, hopefully the sun is out for you guys!
The challenge is not timed, you could do it in your own time. Maybe when you get back to Las Vegas. No worries about the way it's written, that's your own style. If anything, you'll learn from each post what style and format you want your post to be in. 😊
Take care and hopefully we'll see some Steepshot photos!

How cute!! ..👌 Love, love, LOVE your guys story. 😻 What a great first challenge to get my foot in the "steemit-community-door" .
Can't wait to start writing!..Making a cocktail drink to think deeply about this haha and get to it! Until then, happy travels you @travelling-two

Thanks for that Bree! We thought this challenge could get you started on Steemit and get some exposure! Though, we know you're busy down in Phi Phi now, so take your time to write this post. Enjoy the sun, sand and sea whilst you're surrounded by it. We know we would! 😊

Nice to get some background on you guys!

Thanks @intrepidphotos! Nice to get involved in this challenge and share with the community 😄