Name Origin Challenge: The Birth Of The Spiderblogger!

in steemitnamechallenge •  7 years ago  (edited)


So I decided to crawl out of the hole that I've been hiding in to participate in what seems like a pretty cool challenge. The oh so talented @overkillcoin nominated me to talk origins and redemptions, so here we go!

So What Does waphilip Stand For?

So when I first discovered Steemit almost one year ago, I didn't quite understand how this site worked and spent hours trying to research what little info that was out, about our what was then a bid-botless community.

Did you know that in my day, you actually had to intelligently craft articles and engage with the community to grow? Ahhhh, but that's neither here nor there lol

Unfortunately for me, I did all of my research after making my account, which sucked because I didn't realize you couldn't change you're name once created, which explains my very bland auto generated username!

True Hero's Come From Humble Beginnings

I spent the first 4-5 months pretty much making every mistake in the book, while I learned more about my creative prowess and grew my blog into what it is today.

Like almost every Steemian out there, I quickly burned out after the countless hours I devoted to this community and needed some time away to regain some of my fire.

Also, like almost every Steemian, I quickly returned during the bull run with an extremely over valued account value, a hunger for more Steem, and most importantly a new brand!

The Incredible Spiderblogger Is Born!

I chose to dawn the mask of my favorite superhero and decided to protect and support the Steemit blockchain with my witty instructional videos and a few give aways! Not sure if I really made an impact, but I had a pretty fun few months swinging through the blocks of the Steemit blockchain.

Now a days, it seems like this community doesn't need a wildly handsome blockchain vigilante to help support them. It seems like the syndicate of bid-bots have taken over Steemit, which has me pretty worried for the future.

As my late Uncle Ben once said,

"with great power comes great responsibility"

I believe bid-bots are a great tool to use to promote one's quality work, as well as expedite growth on the platform. However, the use of bid-bots can become really toxic when used in excess without any regard for others.

In Conclusion

Not as exciting of a story as I originally thought, but hopefully someone will enjoy it! If you want to participate in the contest I'll leave the rules below!

Here are the rules!

  • Tell us in a post how you chose the current Steemit username you have. The story behind it.
  • Tell us your real name!
  • If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
  • Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that the creator of the challenge can track all the posts and check them out
  • Nominate 5 people for this challenge

I suppose I can keep this train rolling and nominated my good buddy @full-measure, because I know he has a pretty fun story concerning the origin of his name!

I'll also nominate @flipstar because I've always been super curious about the origins of Mr. Star's name lol.

I'll pass on the other three nominations because It's about time I crawl back under my rock! Until the next challenge, this has been a message from your friendly neighborhood #spiderblogger!


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I have felt many times I want to get out of steemit, I spend hours writing trying to improve the quality of my blog, studying all the details of the platform that make it interesting but at the same time complex, work is hard and as you already I'm left with my pseudonym applause although sometimes I do not deserve it, thanks for sharing your concerns that are shared perhaps by many of us who make life here, I am interested in your post identify me, greetings that this very well

I'm actually surprised someone read this haha. Not sure if you saw Jerry's most recent post, that is over $2000 right now, but this bid bot situation is getting out of control smh

I agree, it's sort of the flavor of all my recent posts. For some reason I just can't get the nasty taste out of my mouth.

That is why I don’t look at trending very often. I would rather just stay in my part of steemit. I hope all is well you have not blogged in a while!

Perhaps you just need to do this name challenge as well! I had a blast writing mine.

I've just been busy with RL stuff. I thought about doing it, of course I won't follow "the rules" but I almost did one last night but ran out of time. Hmm sort of like tonight, I think I'll have some time to do something tomorrow.

Thanks for checking up on me :)

I broke most of the rules in mine. I don't even post the rules haha. I say make it your own and have fun with it!

It's only going get worse sadly. More and more of them are showing up all over the place. Everyone just wants to delegate there SP off to them to get a passive income so they don't have to use it anymore.

Hey thanks for stopping by @enjar!

And yeah, I've been here for almost a year and have seen this space drastically change. It used to be super fun to bust my butt to post everyday because I believed in the long term viability of this community, but now I think something way better is going to come along and turn Steemit into myspace lol

Rule-breaking! I should have done that too!! :)

Vigilantes don’t follow rules haha😎

Meh bidbots are overrated. So much junk gets used on them.

I can understand the burn out and needing to change things up a couple of times. I’ve been in and out of a couple of communities and changed my focus as well in my short time here. Some people seem to push themselves far too often to be a daily blogger. I rather just try and get a couple of things out a week and enjoy it.

gonna do it gonna do it! I need coffee

ayeeee, Fuck it up! haha

I just stopped reading the trending page for this reason. I stick to my own timeline of people who I follow and that is enough. Good posts will be resteemed anyway! Bad advertisement for new users who think steemit is JUST that

waphilip is good man, I DO remember your name always, or atleast the combo with spiderblogger name hehehehe

Aye I totally agree with that strategy haha That's why I try and keep the # of people I follow low, so it's not too saturated lol!

And appreciate it @karinxxl! Just realized I haven't followed you yet so just smashed the button!

KABOOOOOM on the follow

I also tend to delete people from that follow list when I find they are too inactive, or posting too much I dont really care about. Keeping the list a bit fresh and accurate!