Having and interest in photography, as well as dreams and consciousness exploration, I enjoy exploring the use of reflection in imagery.
In a sense, everything is a reflection. We experience the world around us as it feeds back to us through our own filters and reality. Next time someone does something that upsets you or gets under your skin, ask yourself, what aspect of me is like that?.
The answer might surprise you.
Sometimes the true nature of the thing is only seen in it's reflection... or vice versa.
Panasonic DMC-GX8 1/250 second F/4.0 ISO 200 50 mm
Panasonic DMC-GX8 1/80 second F/5.4 ISO 3200 255 mm
Man vs Nature
Panasonic DMC-GX8 1/100 second F/4.0 ISO 200 42 mm
These were my three entries to SteemitPhotoChallenge #21 (Reflections).
An astute viewer may recall a similar photo of the first image that was posted in SteemitPhotoChallenge #12, Soul of the City. While similar, these were two different shots at the same scene and presented for their respective challenge themes.