Steemit Photo Challenge #2 - WINNERS ANNOUNCEMENT!

in steemitphotochallenge •  9 years ago  (edited)

That’s all folks!

The second Steemit Photo Challenge is officially over.

Once again, we’ve seen some brilliant photographs submitted by talented people, and as always it’s been difficult for us to choose our winners. Thank you to everyone who submitted this week, the panelists, and thanks to @berniesanders for his donations.

The theme this weekend was Shadows, in black and white. Our guest panelists @condra, @pfunk, @begstreets, and I, have discussed this week’s entries and each chosen our picks which were consolidated into one list. We disagreed a bit, but that’s what I wanted and I think there was a fair give and take, and I appreciate that.

So without further ado...

People’s Choice! - 10 Steem

The People’s Choice award goes to the user with the most number of upvotes. I trust and hope that there has been no misuse :)

With 221 votes, by @blueorgy Submission who has requested his winnings be sent to @rhi-marie:

"I would [definitely] like my winnings to go to my personal favorite Oil light 'ferris wheel' in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka by @rhi-marie"

So said, so done!

Here are some Honourable Mentions - 10 Steem each

By @k471 submission

By @zorro Submission

By @jay-kopinski Submission

By @sharker Submission

By @leylar Submission

By @papa-pepper Submission

By @darkb4dawn Submission

Third Place - 50 Steem

By @photography Submission

Second Place - 100 Steem

By @rhi-marie Submission

First Place - 150 Steem

By @theyam Submission

Congratulations to our winners!

Thanks for participating, and look out for the next Steemit Photo Challenge on Friday morning.

Don't be disheartened if you don't see your image here! It doesn't mean it was bad, but we do have limited spots! Try again next time.

If you have suggestions for this contest, feel free to leave some comments, or you can join us in the #photography channel on

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Congrats to everyone. The standard was insanely high. The photography community on Steemit are doing something right, for sure.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Agree, loved seeing all the great entries! Also a big thanks to anyone that helped stop plagiarism and the theft of others photos! This is something I have a huge beef with, so if you plan to try and pull off other peoples work as your own, Remember I'm not easily fooled! Also if you suspect something say something I have a few ways of verifying.

Wow! First place! Thanks guys!
I didn't expect that as there were some fantastic entries. A great selection of photos all round. Bring on the next challenge!

It is an amazing photo! Great Win!

Congratulations! Such a beautiful photo! Well deserved!

It was my favorite as well. Great photo @theyam !

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

@jamtaylor you can take my 10 Steem from winning the People’s Choice and add it to @rhi-marie winnings! I really enjoyed this photo & it is unfair for me to be included in a Most UpVotes contest, I have many followers and tend to get lots of real and auto up votes no matter the subject. If I were to win I would want it to because of one of my photos!

So I would defiantly like my winnings to go to my personal favorite Oil light 'ferris wheel' in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka by @rhi-marie


Thanks @blueorgy, I will do that as you wish.

I think I'll drop the People's Choice, but I want to encourage upvotes on entries. Will have to think of something.

Aw thank you so much @blueorgy, I'm extremely grateful and so happy you liked my photo as much as you did!

Extremely decent of you @blueorgy

I really liked my photos until I saw the winners. Wow! Congrats to you all, great work!

Some very cool shots, I didn't stand a chance aha

Wow, great photos. Congratulations to the winners.

Great stuff !

Excellent work-winners, an excellent choice! Congratulations!

Some nice photos there..

^ That is my fave.

@calva upvote to promote please!

We get it, you vape...

Seriously though these are some damn beautiful entries :)

oh, i'm late..
congrat for the winner :)
i will follow next competion :)

visit my trip to bromo mountain thank you :)

Congratulations to all who won! I agree that first-place spot was definitely the biggest contender this round, and I'm happy to find out @theyam won it. :)

Congrats to the winners! A lot of good pictures :) Looking forward to next challenge!

Nice work everyone! The first place winner was my personal favorite too. It's also nice to get an honorable mention for my forks. We had fun with that! Thanks @jamtaylor and the entire steemit community. Without the encouragement here, I doubt if I would have even began photographing again in this way. I've posted quite a few other photos if anyone wants to check them out.

Calling you back to this post to check out my personal list of votes. You're on the top of it!

Thanks for the organising the challenge and congrats all, some great shots in there!

Lots of fun, thanks again @jamtaylor

👍nice post, beautiful pictures... Congrats to the winners..

Deserved victory. Congratulations to the winners!

Such a beautiful collection of photos! Congrats!

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment

Congrats to all

Excellent photos! I see the the majority loves black & white photos. I'll have to keep that in mind for the next round. Congratulations winners & honorable mentions. Great job. :) Two thumbs up.

The theme was Shadows in Black and White - that's why they were b&w

HAHA! Well then that makes sense! I missed that part about the theme. :)

"jaykopinsi" - I think you typed the wrong account name

Thanks, fixed it.

no problerm :-)

Well deserved winners !!! A pleasure to see so much beauty in one post !

It was fun! Thank you for the hard work you put into this! Looking forward to the next one!

Glad i stumbled onto this challenge! Thanks for organizing it.

Congratulations to all the winners and participants.

Oh wow. I'm so excited to wake up and see I got second place! This was a really enjoyable challenge and I'm flattered to have placed at all seeing as there were so many fantastic photos submitted! Thank you so much to @blueorgy for the steem and @jamtaylor for organising. Keep the challenges coming!

@jamtaylor Thanks so much for hosting such a great opportunity for the steemit community to embrace their creative selves!!! This second competition really brought some great art out in the community, can't wait for next Friday!

Some bloomin stonking pics on here and a worthy winner!

Congrats to the winners!! Great stuff! Can't wait for the next one!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment
  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment