Steemit Photo Challenge #39

Good evening Steemit family! I'm back from Viva Las Vegas. I'm exhausted. I have so many blogs ahead featuring shoots from the trip. 22 shoots in 12 days to be exact! I took a ton of behind the scenes photos and have stories to tell about each one. I'm reacquainting myself with my daily routine now that I'm home, which Steemit is a big part of, but I'd be remised to not try and slide in before the deadline of the #steemitphotochallenge!

This week's theme is minimalism. Not my usual wheelhouse as a portrait/fashion photographer, but I've come up with a couple entries. Without further adieu.

Ryan Ashley

This is a shot I did of my good friend and Inkmaster winner, Ryan Ashley Malarkey. Every photographer inevitably hits the point where filling a bathtub with milk and submerging a model seems like the most brilliant idea to grace the photography community. This was mine. I still like it, although it's a bit of a cliché. 

Southern Ireland's Camp Coast

I shot this off the Southern coast of Ireland. Typically, not a landscape photographer, but I came across this haunting scene while driving through Killarney. I parked my car, jumped out and took a few shots. The fog had set in across the entire late leaving just the tip of this rock obstructing the water.

Holly Madison

This one is hot off the memory card, no joke. I took this shot a week ago in La Cañada, CA. It's far from my typical capture of a model, but as I sat looking through the frame, I loved the feeling of isolation when the surrounding walls, floor and ceiling were included. It may not adhere to the accepted minimalist rules, but it did give me a sense of isolation and minimalist emotion, so I thought I'd include it.

I'm going to wrap this up and hope these hit Steemit before the #steemitphotochallenge deadline. Very glad to be back and looking forward to filling your feeds with new work and stories from Viva Las Vegas, LA and Palm Springs these last couple of weeks. 

If you aren't already, follow my blog right here @kommienezuspadt!

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Nice captures @kommienezuspadt!!!

Thanks so much @cognoscere!

Beautiful photos, my favorite is the rock and water...but the other shots are awesome too, the last one is so lonely looking.

Great submissions! I am totally guilty of doing a milk bath shoot of a bride... yours is really good! Love it.

Good shot, i vote and follow you.

great photos ! now you have a new follower!

Perfect !

wow, amazing shots. Ryan is so beautiful!