#steemitriddlechallenge EDITION 1 - riddle #8 - solution

in steemitriddlechallenge •  7 years ago 

Hello again,
8th Round of #steemitriddlechallenge is already closed.

Below Mr.Riddle will show you solution of Riddle #8:


In total only 3 people answered the puzzle, below Mr.Riddle is presenting results:

personencrypted answerdecrypted answerpoints
@mysdlDjO4t7Zwzz8QZFguYXQw==Bobby Troup5
@lukmarcusbU029VxtSzzPydyAU37WOw==Bobby Troup5
@photon-plHDICze3/x2GyGJA7XbqTLw==Bobby Troup5

The winner of 8th Round is @mys !!! Big Congrats!

To others - please do not discourage, you will have a chance to win in next rounds and remember - the final winner will be announced after all 10 rounds!



After 6th round the pool has been increased to 40 steems with new split:

1st place: 17 steems
2nd place: 13 steems
3rd place: 10 steems

For next couple of days solutions will be announced little bit later (after 19:00 UTC).

Next round will start on Tuesday 27/06 at 12:00 UTC. Stay tuned!

Remember 40 Steems are in the pool for winners!!

Follow the Riddle!!! @Mr-Riddle

1. Steemitriddlechallenge announcement and rules
2. Steemitriddlechallenge - Riddle #1
3. Steemitriddlechallenge - Riddle #1 solution
4. Steemitriddlechallenge - Riddle #2
5. Steemitriddlechallenge - Riddle #2 solution
6. Steemitriddlechallenge - Riddle #3
7. Steemitriddlechallenge - Riddle #3 - solution
8. SteemitRiddleChallenge - Riddle #4
9. SteemitRiddleChallenge - Riddle #4-solution
10. SteemitRiddleChallenge - Riddle #5
11. SteemitRiddleChallenge - Riddle #5 - solution
12. SteemitRiddleChallenge - Riddle #6
13. SteemitRiddleChallenge - Riddle #7
14. SteemitRiddleChallenge - Riddle #7 - solution
15. SteemitRiddleChallenge - Riddle #8

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