SSP 100 Days Challenge (Day 73): WOMAN, DO PRONOUNCE MY NAME

in steemitschoolpoetry •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is my seventy-third entry for the Steemit School of Poetry 100 Days Challenge.




When a woman whispers
some magical words
a spell is cast
in the whole world

When a woman cries
tears of sorrow or joy
a dark rose withers
or a chrysanthemum explodes
somewhere in gusts of color.

When a woman pronounces your name
you exist more, you are more
because she will you into existence
like a force of nature or a cluster of stars.


When a woman dies
all hopes die
all smiles die
for the womb of the world
owes her the cry
and the scream
and the joy of breathing

Woman, do pronounce my name,
do whisper in my ear some spell
so I can exist longer
do cry with joy so my soul blooms
don't die on me, woman
cause I will die with you.





This poem needs no explanation.


Original text from Sansón Carrasco

Steemit School Discord

Uncredited Egyptian hieroglyph and cuneiform scripture are public domain

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Qué hermoso poema, @sansoncarrasco. Estoy viendo que ya estás más cerca de la meta: día 73. Te felicito.

Gracias @aurodivys, este reto me sacó de mi zona de confort pero ya lo agradezco.

Qué bueno, siempre hay que agradecer. Ah, revisa mi nombre, querido. Jajaja.

Oops... corregido, debe ser que te imagino con muchos euros jejeje.

jajaja! Que así sea, pues!

Decía Huidobro:

Mujer el mundo está amueblado por tus ojos

Se hace más alto el cielo en tu presencia...

Hermoso homenaje a las mujeres, @sansoncarrasco. Las mujeres solemos ser buenas musas;)Te abrazo

Gracias Nancy (@nancibriti), es es efecto un homenaje a todas ustedes.

Woman, do pronounce my name,
do whisper in my ear some spell
so I can exist longer
do cry with joy so my soul blooms
don't die on me, woman
cause I will die with you.

What beautiful empathy this poem conveys, friend Sanson. We feel when reading in current that flows through the poem, a river of a companion emotion. Excellent work, poet!

Thanks dear fellow poet, @zeleiracordero for appreciating and commenting on this humble piece of poetry.

As a woman - thank you for this beautiful piece of work :)

Thank you @diabeticsurfista for appreciating. :)