First Born--100 Days of Poetry Challenge: Day Eighty Nine

'First Born'

Nine years ago today,
I birthed you into this world,
my first born,
for you I would have sworn,
to move mountains
and to carry the weight of the world.
I remember when you were first handed to me,
my heart felt like it would explode.
Nothing could ever prepare me
for our journey that now flowed,
for the force of love that I felt,
for the wisdom you bestowed,
and now I turn to look at you,
so beautiful, wild and free
riding bareback with such confidence
as strong as any tree,
this huge gratitude I feel
to have you by my side
my first born,
I am bursting with so much pride.

Image Source:
1st Image:
2nd Image:


I consider myself to be a intermediate poet.

Thank you, thank you, thank you @d-pend for creating this challenge and allowing me to take the time daily to be creative and expressive. I am really happy to have made it this far.Day 89, so proud of myself and everybody else, well done. I have never had any input with my poetry before, it has always come straight from my heart, on to paper and more recently here on to steemit

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Very beautiful fmely members
Thanks for the sharing post

thank you @abu-bokor

Beautiful painting

thank you

Awww! Happy Mama Day! Here they call their first born daughter their sister. Isn't that sweet?! So glad to share the motherhood journey with you!

me too mama, thank you xxx

Intermediate poet? You either are or you aren't. And you, are.

I like the images you picked to go with your work.

thanks so much @metzli