SSP 100 Day Challenge (Day 2): Mujer | Woman

in steemitschoolpoetry •  7 years ago  (edited)


SSP 100 Day Challenge (Day 2):

I'm beginner, it's my first poem. Thank @d-pend



De la manera mas sorprendenteIn the most surprising way
ondas sonoras de años añejossound waves of old years
con un silencio muy contundentewith a very forceful silence
borró en mi vida los disparejoserase unevenness in my life
Asidero fiel de mis ideasFaithful grasp of my ideas
hechizado y loco a tu maneraspellbound and crazy in your way
desde que tu ya no me vadeassince you do not leave me anymore
estas mi querida compañeraYou are my dear girlfriend
Lecho ardiente de infinitas pasionesFiery bed of infinite passions
que me van descarrilando a arderthat are derailing me to burn me
aferrado al sabor de tus rinconesclinging me to the flavor of your corners
mi linda y siempre querida mujermy beautiful and alway beloved woman
hogar y amor para poner la guindaHome and love to put the icing on the cake
eres todo y mas, mi esposita lindayou are everything and more, my pretty little wife


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Aww how lucky she is to have a poet for a husband (: I loved it. I'm sure it sounds absolutely captivating in your native tongue. Even translated, without rhyme its a beautiful piece.

Fiery bed of infinite passions derailing me to burn me, clinging me to the flavor of your corners

A beautiful and classy way to express sensuality (:

Hello sweet @ charlotteroze, the pleasure is for me by read your encouraging words. The secret is simple, a real inspiration, it's my pretty little wife.

Thank to you, @charlotteroze

Hola @zyllor, que manera tan tierna de expresarle ese deseo de amor hacia su "esposita linda"

"Asidero fiel de mis ideas
hechizado y loco a tu manera
desde que tu ya no me vadeas
estas mi querida compañera"

Un saludo desde mi cocina

Gracias @galletikasar, debe ser honor disfrutar de los placeres de tu cocina.