What is a sport for some sport - it's a daily workout at the limit of human capabilities to other sports is entertainment, hobbi.No only for the elite sport - it is a life !!!!!
First of all, sport is health and zdorove.A schaste- is chto.neobhodima each cheloveku.Trudno imagine a person happy if he is sick "Health will be - all dobudesh". -glasit Folk wisdom with which one can not soglasitsya.Zabota its health is the duty and responsibility of each cheloveka.Zabotyas health, we think of his physical and mental condition of that as the song goes, "body and soul were young".
In a healthy body, a healthy duh.Eto know everything they know and what exercise strengthens the body and helps get rid of bad habits, promotes not only physical but also moral kachestv.No about it, we often zabyvaem.Mozhet be to in a good mood, it is necessary to begin each day with a smile and zaryadki.Konechno, it is difficult to force myself to get up every day early, not used to hurt myshtsy.No daily zaryadka- is the beginning of the physical and spiritual development, is to get rid of bad habits and inactivity, it is the first a step towards compliance regime dnya.Sportsmeny utverzhdayut.chto exercise affect the state of mind to myshleniya.Sport is a pleasure, harmony, harmony of mind and sily.Sport - is work.
But each of us knows from childhood that health should be berech.Radost and happiness, health and longevity, all that is necessary for each of nas.Vedya a healthy lifestyle, we strengthen the physical and spiritual zdorove.I always need to remember that healthy body-healthy mind.