Steemit Summer Heat: Staying Safe and Aware

in steemitsummer •  9 months ago 

Summer's here in Dhaka, and with the rising temperatures, it's natural to want to shed those layers and cool down. But along with the sunshine comes the need to stay safe and aware, especially when it comes to sexual health.

Heat and Desire: What's the Link?

Studies suggest warmer weather can influence our hormones and libido. It might make you crave physical intimacy more, but it's important to remember that doesn't mean you have to act on every impulse.

Staying Cool, Staying Safe

So how can you stay safe and enjoy a healthy summer fling (or not) this season? Here are some tips:

Hydration is Key: Dehydration can lead to dizziness, and bad decisions. Keep yourself hydrated with water throughout the day.
Dress Smart, Be Sun Safe: Lighter clothing is cooler, but remember to protect yourself from the sun with sunscreen and breathable fabrics.
Communicate Openly: Whether it's a new partner or someone you know well, always communicate your boundaries and expectations clearly.
Respect Everyone's Space: Crowded summer events can lead to unwanted touching or advances. Be firm and assertive if someone makes you feel uncomfortable.
Look Out for Each Other: Keep an eye on your friends, especially if they've had too much to drink.
Summer Lovin' with Consent

Summer is a time for fun, but don't let the heat cloud your judgment. Consent is always sexy, and it's essential for any sexual encounter. Here's a quick reminder:

Consent is: Freely given, enthusiastic, and ongoing. It can be withdrawn at any time.
Consent is not: Silence, pressure, or alcohol/drugs.


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