Equinox/Full Moon Tarot reading

in steemittarot •  6 years ago 


Happy Full Moon/Equinox eve Steemit!

Today, I'm doing a reading using the Sigil Arcanum Tarot Deck by @jackaldon.

Here, I'm looking at how to best utilize the energy of the coming days.


The reading starts with the Magician, meaning that bold confident moves are in order. Let people know who you are, and what you can do!

This is followed by The Emperor, which is all about control, and making things happen.
So far, it looks like being pro-active is the way to go.
If you want something to happen, you will have to make it so.

The last card is the 3 of Swords.
This has been coming up with the Emperor in my other readings today.
The message is this...
You can't allow yourself to be crippled by pain or betrayal.
Remember who you are, and unleash your power on the world.
The feelings of pain are a wall, and it's time to plow through it.

Intense stuff..

Here are some other cool cards from @jackaldon's deck.

Happy Astrological New Year, Steemit, and have fun plowing through walls:)

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You wouldn't believe how accurate this is for me, right this moment. I even wrote a post about it a few days ago! And I've just decided to break through the pain, feel it, but get on with it and move beyond it. Great stuff!

I'm glad you found it useful, @misslasvegas!

Hot deck!

Did we rise yet? Laser Eye picked up new dance moves...

Thanks for featuring my deck Fergus!

Good job making it, @jackaldon. It is truly a unique work of art!

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