我是纹身师gogo - Steemit Xuanwu tattoo design.

in steemittattoo •  8 years ago 

中国古代神话中最令妖邪胆战且法力无边的四大神兽是青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武四兽。玄武亦称玄冥 ,龟蛇合体,为水神,居北海,龟长寿,玄冥成了长生不老的象征,冥间亦在北方,故为北方之神。而玄武又可通冥间问卜,因此玄武有别于其它三灵 ,被称为玄天上帝、“真武大帝”,是道教所奉之神。

In the ancient myths of China, four most powerful animals who had super power to bile the demon, are Kylin, the white tiger, the Phoenix and Xuanwu. Xuan wu is known as a snake and a turtle, being the god of water who lives in Beihai(北海).

The Xuanwu is the God in taoism.



Turtles have strong vitality and endurance, is a symbol of long live.
Snakes are poisonous animals. When they face danger, they raise their heads, being ready to attack. Snake is a symbol of sexual desire.


Xuanwu is boundless deep. Tortoise, this introverted animal, stands for xuanwu. In some ancient books from China and Korea, the description of Xuanwu is a combination of snake and turtle. Because Xuanwu is also in need to present "horniness".
Ancient Chinese people believed that all turtles are female only. They must need help from snakes to breed offsprings.



photoshoped 上身效果图


Xuanwu made the balance in desires, just like Steemit.

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Maybe one day it will be recorded on gogo.tattoo Offical Steemit

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我是纹身师gogo - With love

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  ·  8 years ago 


哈哈,相信日后定会有机会制作Steemit Tattoo。