Non-verbal communication / Class for 4th and 5th grade children - Activities.

in steemituducation •  6 years ago  (edited)

A community is made up of people who share and live together supported by communication. Communities are consolidated by sharing ideas, experiences and feelings. This is achieved through communicative interaction.


In each community there must be rules of coexistence and communication that allow mutual respect, tolerance to different points of view and ideas and the effective solution of conflicts that may arise.

Communication is an essential element for coexistence. The word communicate means "to put in common", that is, to share with others. When we communicate, we share: emotions, feelings, ideas, concepts, opinions, information, needs, orders, decisions.

Not only words serve to communicate sounds, gestures, movements, lights and signals, but they also send messages.

I invite you to know some ways to communicate:

Nonverbal language

When communication is done without words, it is known as non-verbal language. The color can be used to communicate: at the traffic light, in the colors that identify a political party or a sports team. They also provide us with information, such as alarms, ambulance sirens, cornets, whistles, among others.


Gestures and body movements

Gestures and body movements communicate our moods and our attitudes. we all recognize some basic gestures like: moving your head to affirm or deny something, frowning with displeasure, shrugging your shoulders.

Some sentences and sayings refer to this type of communication. That girl talks to the body, speaks with her hands.

To establish an effective communication with our peers, not only is it necessary to take care of the words we use, but also our gestures and corporal expressions.


The signs

Some signs offer clues, suggest information. For example, the clouds in the sky make us suppose that it is going to rain, but we do not know with certainty.
Other signs have a more specific meaning, such as road signs. the "stop" or "slippery pavement" signal gives us the most accurate information.


The symbols

The symbols are universal and regional representations such as Shields, Flag ...


The communication of animals

Not only human beings communicate. Communication is present in all living beings. Animals communicate through sounds, smells and movements.

It is said that bees inform their companions of the presence of flowers, dancing and performing certain body movements that indicate where the flowers are.


Mammals have more complex and varied forms of communication. If you have a dog or cat as a pet, you will have observed how they communicate with you and with family members. They emit different sounds to express fear, anger and pain.

In the same way they communicate with gestures and movements: they lower their heads when they scold them or show their teeth to defend themselves....



  1. Name the types of communication you know.
  2. How do people who can not speak communicate?
  3. How do you say, yes without speaking?
  4. What does the green symbol that is in the reading mean?
  5. How does a dog show joy?


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My daughter is in 4th grade, but I will also talk about this topic. And I will ask the questions to boost your knowledge with the types of communication

Great article. Unconciusly, we produce more non verbal communication than the verbal one in our daily lives