Personality disorders in students

in steemituducation •  6 years ago  (edited)

Due to situations of Personality Disorders presented by some of my students, I dedicated myself to investigate and study the strategies and activities to treat this type of students with this behavior. And I want to share it with you, since it is a problem that affects both the other students and the teachers and we can not hide it. But first we will see a bit of theory to be informed of the characteristics of each disorder.


Although personality disorders are framed within psychology and psychiatry, and we are forbidden to give a diagnosis; However, today, more than ever, the teacher must have the information tools for the best performance of their work.

Unfortunately, parents, who are responsible for the physical and mental health of their children, move away from that responsibility every day. And when it comes to mental health, there is a generalized attitude of denial.


In this way, the only solution for a child with a permanent or transient personality disorder to start an early treatment to improve their situation is only at school.

If the teacher, from the classroom, does not have the minimum knowledge to make a recommendation, a suggestion or an indication in time, in general, the child takes a long time to start a good treatment.

It is not an easy task for the teacher to make these kinds of recommendations, due to the hostile attitude that parents usually adopt.

I am going to tell you a little about my experience with a 4th grade student. I was sure that the child had a personality disorder; but his mother and grandmother did not want to admit it. When I sent him to the psychologist, he told me he was not crazy, and they even approached the "Instituto del Niño" and filed a lawsuit against me. I attended the call and won the case. The child had to attend with a psychologist and perform the relevant studies to rule out any other problem, he also had to attend with his parents and grandmother to appointments, to be evaluated and treated with the whole family group. "If I had not cared about this situation, the child would not have received the proper treatment and his problem could lead to a more serious problem."

I want this publication to be a great help, both for the teacher who works in an institution with all the available resources, and for those who work in a school without any resources.

Since the school is the one that detects the early personality disorders and suggests starting a treatment.

Niños con trastornos de la personalidad


"The term personality disorder indicates an alteration or abnormalities of the character or mode of behavior of the individual".

In the first years of life, the child takes its own character and, at the same time, adopts the characteristics of the culture to which it belongs. Therefore, a child raised in a big city will not be the same as a child in the countryside.

To recognize the abnormalities of a child's character, we must know the characteristics of a normal child.

Normal personality

  • Happy medium
  • He is sociable
  • Curious
  • Friendly
  • Dominates emissions
  • Competitive (with their peers)
  • Accept your sex

Character formation

It is important to recognize what are the factors that affect character formation in the child. These factors influence individually or collectively.

  • The constitutional is related to the instincts.
  • The ego allows or does not express the instincts.
  • The superego dictates the judgment about what is good and bad.
  • Environment in which the instincts may or may not be downloaded.

Transient personality disorders


There are three types of transient personality disorders that are specific in children:

  • The adjustment reaction of breastfeeding and the second year of life Undue apathy, difficulties to feed or sleep are common manifestations of these alterations in the first two years.
  • Adjustment reaction to childhood are transient systematic reactions of the child to an immediate situation or an emotional conflict.
  • Adjustment reaction of adolescence are the expression of your efforts to become independent.

These transitory disorders must be treated in time because they can leave sequels that will lead to a new conflict.

Permanent personality disorders

  • Inadequate personality
    This type of personality does not present intellectual and physical difficulties, people are healthy.


  • Schizoid personality
    These types of children tend to be imprisoned in a fantasy world.


  • Cyclothymic personalit
    It is an adult disorder that has its roots in childhood; and some characters of this personality are evident in the larger child. It is a mild form of bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness).


  • Paranoid personality
    This type of person always looks for a guilty person, complains permanently and believes that almost all people are his enemy and, therefore, contradict him.


Sociopathic personality disorders

  • Anti-social reaction
    Those who present these characteristics are in permanent conflict with the environment that surrounds them. His behavior is aggressive and self-centered.

  • Dyssocial reaction
    They are children who have been raised in a morally abnormal environment, and their customs do not coincide with the customs of another urban community.


Disorder of personality traits

  • Passive aggressive personality
    Children with emotional disturbances are located here, whose behavior is temporarily altered.


  • Compulsive personality
    This type of child shows concern for his work, so it does not cause problems at school.


In the following publication, I will write some examples, strategies and activities to apply in each case.


Text: Discipline in the classroom

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Hello @deisip really interesting that your article, as teachers is very important to know about this ema especially since you can present the case of a student with some kind of disorder, thanks for sharing!

That's right, friend, and it is very important not to use psychiatric terms, although you know from experience the characteristics that each disorder presents. Thank you for reading.

Awe bless these souls, it's so difficult growing, trying to find your place and purpose in life!

Thanks friend for reading, it is difficult, but if we pay a little attention to the behavior of our children or students from the beginning we can help, good if it is our son; because if a student and the father do not cooperate, nothing can be done.

Thanks for your support and collaboration.

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