Benefits of children's songs in children's learning

in steemituducation •  6 years ago 

Since we are born we have practically present the Children's Song and Popular. All that series of songs that have crossed borders and have come to us by musical heritage. We must be aware of all the benefits it brings, and involve our children in discovering it.
Each one of us has impregnated in his memory that song that helped us multiply, to memorize some concept, that told us some fable or that simply helped us to share and enjoy a daily moment with family and friends. Now think about it; What do you still remember?

Music is being introduced into the education of preschool children because of the importance it represents in their intellectual, auditory, sensory, speech and motor development.

Music is a fundamental element in this first stage of the educational system. The child begins to express himself in another way and is able to actively integrate into society, because music helps him achieve autonomy in his usual activities, take care of himself and the environment, and expand their world of relationships. And the benefits of children's music are countless.

Can you imagine a life without music and songs? It would be very boring. But what role do children's songs play in children's learning?

Music has the gift of bringing people together. The child who lives in contact with music learns to coexist in a better way with other children, establishing a more harmonious communication. At this age they love music.

These are four of the main benefits of music for children:

Security: It gives them emotional security, trust, because they feel understood when sharing songs, and immersed in a climate of help, collaboration and mutual respect.

Learning: The stage of the child's literacy is more stimulated with music. Through the children's songs, in which the syllables are rhymed and repetitive, and accompanied by gestures that are made when singing, the child improves their way of speaking and understanding the meaning of each word. And so, it will be alphabetized in a faster way.

Concentration: Music is also beneficial for the child in terms of the power of concentration, in addition to improving their ability to learn in mathematics. Music is pure mathematics. In addition, it facilitates children learning other languages, enhancing their memory

Body expression: With music, the child's body expression is more stimulated. They use new resources to adapt their body movement to the rhythms of different works, contributing in this way to the strengthening of the rhythmic control of their body. Through music, the child can improve their coordination and combine a series of behaviors. Lie on your back and move them so he can dance while you sing to him. You can carry and hug in your lap singing other children's rhythms.

Why children's songs are important for the child

The simple fact that the years pass and we are able to remember a children's song, is of the utmost importance. When a child sings a children's song, he feels happy, he tries to understand the meaning of what he sings, of the story and his message.
It also contributes to the development of language. It is scientifically proven that a child begins to sing before that to build sentences through speech. This fact is due to the fact that when we sing, we use a part of the cerebral hemisphere different from that of speech. The left one for singing and the right one for speech. Thus, if a child sings, he begins to construct sentences similar to the language, making his later learning easier.
Another factor to consider is the development of the inner ear. Repeating the same melody systematically makes us perform an exercise of basic intonation and ear development.
Children's songs are based on simple melodies, easy to sing and very catchy to the ear. When you add lyrics to one of them, you will feel rhythm and if we accompany you with exercises of rhythmic internalization, we are nurturing our children with a very complete and enriching exercise as well as fun.
Take the test: Turn everything around you into a Children's Song! The children will thank you and have a great time while they learn and are filled with positivity.


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