#steemitweightlosschallenge Week Two Check-in. Join me on a weight loss journey!

in steemitweightlosschallenge •  9 years ago  (edited)

The tag I have created is for developing a piece of Steemit community about getting healthy and fit, while being accountable to each other. So far I am the only one :) and might be forever, and that is okay. It takes a bit of guts to put myself out there in this way (especially the gym selfies!) But even if I get ONE other Steemian that starts the challenge I will feel a sense of accomplishment and I WILL respond to your posts and journeys! Just use the tag in your post!

Here are my week stats:

Weight loss: -.5lbs (12lbs weight loss goal)
Exercise: 4x to the gym, mix of running on treadmill and weights

Weekly Overview: So I have developed a habit of eating healthy all week then tanking on booze and food all weekend. This kind of negates the progress I make all week, but at least I had a modest loss and no gain. It does keep my weight balanced but I would like to see some better progress. If I could break the habit I would be stoked!

Check out my blog. Don’t forget to hit the followbutton. Huzzah!

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That gym looks pretty quiet. Nice job bringing some life to it :)
And for the progress on your goal.

I go at 6am in the morning so it's pretty quiet. And thanks!

Good job


Keep losing weight and become awesome. Good luck @queenmountain

I am trying and thanks!

i would suggest you eat all the free range organic EGGS you can, as raw as you can!!!--- Personally i LIVE on eggs because of no income (we have our own chickens) and even though i eat less well than i should, get away with it like never before because of eating eggs!!!... Best of luck!!!

Yes, I am a huge organic egg fan! I don't do the raw thing though. Do eggs mix well with vodka? lol

Maybe it's worth a try, lol, but then i'd maybe eat MORE EGGS to compensate!!! No such thing as too many eggs ( i eat probably 10plus per day and that's not an "eggsageration"! ...And all that talk about colesterol has been bull ***t
Oh, and then you won't have to work out sooooo hard, lol!

10 eggs a day? Oh my god I could only imagine your farts. lolololol
Think I will stick to working out hard, but I still do like an egg or two a day.

Actually no farts... or very very few on account of eggs... Sounds like you may need some beneficial bacteria culture and/ or activated charcoal for better digestion.

I love it. You are doing an awesome job. Don't look now but you're being followed.

Awesome thanks!

Excellent application it is proven that working out with a social network you keep yourself more accountable and working harder!

"So I have developed a habit of eating healthy all week then tanking on booze and food all weekend. "
Story of my life!

Good luck with your program.