PLACE, TIME AND TOOLS for a better Writer--POST 3

in steemitwriter •  6 years ago  (edited)

Some writers best works in pen and ink, sprawled on their beds in the afternoon while pets snooze in nearby blankets. Others start in 8A.M and rely on hard chairs, clean tables, and a handful of number 2 pencils sharpened to needle points. Still others are mopre comfortablle with thier keyboards and word processors at thier desks or in the computer lab. Legal-size pads help some writers produce, while other feel motivated by spiral notebooks with picture of mountain streams on the covers. Only yoiu can determined which place , time and tools give you the best support as a writer.

The place where you write is also extremely important. If you writing in computer lab, you have to adapt that place, but if you write a draft in long-hand or on your word processor, you can choose the plce yourself. In selecting the place keep the following tips:

  1. Keep distractios minimal---Some people simply can'y write in the kitchen, wher the refiregators is distractingly close, or in the room that has a TV in it. On the other hand m the public place--a library, an empty calssroom, a cafeteria-- can be fine as long as the surrounding activity does not disturb you.

  2. Control Intrerruptions-- If you can clo9se the door to your room and work without interuption, fine. But even then, other people often assume that you want to take the break when they do. Choose a place when you can decide when it's time to take a break.

  3. Have acces to note, journal, textbooks, sources, and other materials--If the palce is totally quite but you don't have a rom to work. or acces to important notes o0r sources, you still may not make much progress. Whatever you nedd-- a desk to spread you work out on, acces to notes and sources, extra pens, or computer disks-- make sure you palce has it.

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