SteemitX Updates - Stream List Cap, Bug Fixes and More!

in steemitx •  9 years ago  (edited)

- Stream List Limit (caps number of elements in list)
- Pause Stream button
- Improved logo

Bug Fixes:
- Wordwrap on elements
- Input filtering on comments from Steemit
- Memory issues due to neverending stream list
- Fixed "Cancelled Orders" checkboxes functionality
- Fixed minor issue with $'s appearing in comments

Coming Soon:
- Mobile support
- Save options
- Notification chimes
- Email notifications


Was hoping to have more for you guys this weekend, but I ended up helping my brother demo his chimney in his house which took all the energy out of me. Apologies for the delays.

half-way through the demo
Only about 1/3rd left of the entire chimney (and there were 2 fireplaces in there!!)

discombobulated demoing chimney
Me just about finishing up

rubble pile
The rubble pile

old cans and bottles
We found some cool old bottles and cans though from the 60's.
Rainier and Olympia beer along with Shasta Orange Soda

HotFix: Small typo in code fixed so now right waterfall limits properly

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I like the competition between you and @roelandp. I actually use both of your sites, his more more recently.

What did you use for the demolition? Sounds cathartic.

I didn't mean for it to be a competition =/ He provides a great resource for viewing and graphing the entire stream of information from Steem. But it looked like the direction he was interested in was a way of viewing all steem stream info. All I wanted was a way to easily filter it to see what the users I was interested in were doing. Previously I had be reading into using Steem's websocket but was unable to get it to work with their address ( wss:// ). @roelandp showed a simple and elegant way of tapping into it using Piston's websocket instead (wss:// After came , and Roeland was pretty cool about him using the code, aside from the styling. So seeing the potential for user filtering, I filled that demand and removed all the styling, graphing, and particle effects leaving just the websocket and column of data. There is so much more information to be retrieved from the websocket though, so I have plenty of additional features to add in time.

As for the construction, we had an electric jack-hammer (I had no idea electric ones could be so effective) that weighed about 60 pounds and a sledge-hammer. It came apart pretty easily, but just holding that thing for any extended duration with a mask on really leaves you gasping for air. And when you are a kinda lanky fellow like myself, it becomes a bit of a challenge haha!

I see competition as a great thing. This is where I will @stellabelle because this is the competition story I was meaning to tell in another thread that got too many replies deep. I was in New Orleans and on Frenchman's st, where all the music is. I walked towards the end and saw 2 hipsters with typewriters propped up on wooden boxes or little makeshift desks. They had a sign saying "Poets for hire." So I said "Oh are you guys competing? Is this like a dueling pianos situation?" They immediately got indignant and said "Why would you assume we're competing. How capitalist of you." And I just stood there blinking my eyes that someone with a "For hire" sign would then bemoan capitalism. But also that any artist could not understand that just how they framed themselves, it naturally drew a comparison.

TLDR competition is great. And it's even better when you guys work together constructively.

working together and just getting rid of attachment is a great thing. Nikola Tesla would be smiling in his grave if he saw us all here on Steemit.

i love those sites, but i like steemviz more because it shows the money transactions.

Well... I'll give you a sneak preview of something then...
Give it a minute and it will start showing all money related transactions in greater detail than before.

oohhh la la!!!! Love it!!!!!

hey, in your 'introduceyourself' post, you didn't have any photos......dolphin wants photos.......

I made a second post with a video.

Here is a picture of me from the other day though but the dorky video is better proof ;)

cool. I'm extremely visual......ha ha! I watched your video, and it's great. It's a lot like videos I make...I love interviewing people, random strangers too! great work.

your video reminds me of the one I made in Kansas City: SEe how asking random strangers is fun to do

Nice video! (can't comment on that link due to depth restriction)

You made me google Vandana Shiva too haha, I had never heard of her until just now. I was down in Missouri not too long ago near Springfield. Beautiful country down there, but the weather can sure change in a heartbeat =P

ha ha! No one knows who she is!!!! She's a brilliant scientist and has fought Monsanto many times in courts and has WON EVERY TIME.
She's a mentor, my first one who woke up my mind to the corporate take over ....anyway, I'm going to make a similar video in KC and ask about Bitcoin, Steem, you! It is a brilliant idea.

QuickFix: Small typo in code fixed so now the right waterfall is limited properly

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Hi @discombobulated, love your site! Using it all the time.
When someone creates a new post, can there be a link from the stream to the post?