RE: #SteemitZombies - hoMeless but never hoPeless

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#SteemitZombies - hoMeless but never hoPeless

in steemitzombies •  7 years ago 

yes - have you heard of john hogue ? he is a modern day researching of Nostradamus among other things. He's fascinating.. lol you should check him out I bet you'd be interested in his studies and predictions.

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I think i have heard about him in a radio interview.
Nostra is always very crypto... and even more crypto since it is all translated from old french.

Translating that into english is like butchering without a knife. :-)

This stuff will always be way to vague to be useful to predict anything, yet after the factit is relatively easy to find a vague Nostra quartrain that can be made to fit. And still it is striking how many people manage to link Nostra's writings to current day events :-)

The righteous will be challenged and ridiculed.
The last war will be one like never before. (media war?)
The righteous will win the battle (in a glorious way, or something to that extend)

:-) whatever that means.

Now going to send my hunting duck after John Hogue...

cool! let me know what you think of him.

And on the Nostra predictions - definitely could me a media driven war, we are in the midst of a propaganda masterpiece war machine running at high speed.. I hope the righteous win the battle.

:-o just listened to a 2014 interview it is amazing how accurate he is.

so crazy right!? BTW i think this is the longest side conversation in a comment section ever on Steemit hahaha

haha and now it just got longer LOL

It is amazing how he just talks and makes absolute sense while predicting future events.

Could it be the beard? :-)>

hahah yes his beard holds the secrets of the future! I am not a fan of the dreaded FB but when I do go on there I see his posts and videos.. he always responds to comments too and he sent me some awesome links and info on his teachings from Osho #starstruck hahahah

oh damnit.. wrong account! wayyyy too many things going on and too excited to answer back HAHA


My Observatory also experiences a bit of entropy.
A bit of newbieresteem promotion does not harm. :-)
Respect for the hard work you do. The greedy shitpost gang could learn something from you!

But, you also need to have a break sometime wonderwoman ;-D

let the family drag you into the sunshine and call it a day.