RE: #SteemitZombies - hoMeless but never hoPeless

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#SteemitZombies - hoMeless but never hoPeless

in steemitzombies •  7 years ago 

all of this while your tax money is spend on killing children for oil.

governments take such good care of people when politicians enrich themselves on lobby bonuses

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Even now as I write we are aiding Saudi Arabia in the genocide of innocent families in Yemen. I cannot support this evil with tax money, for in so doing I become party to evil. blessings.

it's just SAD to see this happen.
The US gov abuses our friendships (non american people with american people)
They know we will not give up our friendships over their bullshit, yet they use use to play their horrible games

😂😂😂 it's only because they know what's best for us ! hahah what a time to be alive. This country is a mess.

the entire western world is a mess.
The rest of the world is laughing at our BS politicians. (US UK AU EU) It is all so obvious, the corruption is so HUGE. and the bureaucracy is so STUPID. They live in their own bubble, still unaware that the entire world IS aware.
It is only the corporate circles who are still ignorant. Small businesses to big corporations they all stick their heads into the ground.

Small businesses go all out of biz. and get bought up by big ones.

the small business owners stay silent since they are happy to at least got bought out.
and they will still vote FOR corruption, as they know that THAT corrupt behaviour keeps a foot in the door for the future.

But the future is so bleak, that they all may loose their feet. And THEN they will panic.
And for them there will be no where to run. They lost their soul. (are this the modern soldiers / soul-diers?) I mean if they panic, on their 'above average' living standards. Then things will go wrong at a rapid pace.

I think this is what the fall of Rome must have looked like before the dark ages kicked in.

Dark Ages here we come:

hmmm indeed....

King Arthur on the 'coconut horse'

hilarious movie ... not so funny when you're living it though lol


living this part every day..

Rabbit of Caerbannog

I'm living this part every day ...