in steemjet •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hello steemjetters welcome to the next edition of the steemjetcontests. I guess this edition is gonna be quite interesting.
It is the a SHORT STORY WRITING CONTEST and all story writers are invited to write.
You are to write a short story on the topic "MY MOST AWKWARD MOMENT"
So tell us.
What is your most awkward moment?






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  • Contest is open for anybody on the steem blockchain that wishes to join it.
  • when submitting your entry, use the title MY ENTRY
  • MUST resteem this post, upvote this post, and follow this blog.
    It will be checked.
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Almost three years ago I was in that phase of the relationship when you can not be apart of that person and want to show how you like them physically.

Well, I follow him to the bathroom and we started making out in the sink area when my teacher for the next class entered.

I was so embarrassed, because not only he saw me like that, but I had to see him again in the class, every time he made eye contact with me I felt blushed.

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Hello steemians I think my most awkward moment was back when I was staying with my aunt. I was taking an afternoon nap when her daughter my cousin came back home from school so I was awoken to help her carry her bags. I noticed I woke up with a strong boner. I tried all efforts to make it go away but to no avail. I had to bend and curve my leg while packing her things as if I was disfigured and I think my aunt and cousin noticed so they were just busy giggling. I felt so awkward and embarrassed.

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Almost a year ago I was walking at the University and I crushed dog poop from the floor, but I didn't notice it. So I spend most part of the day like that. I did realize that people was starring at me with weird faces, but I didn't know what was happening...
Until I ran into a friend and he told me "Hey, Rosa. I smell something bad". I was very embarrassed and when I look my shoe I realized what had happened.
Guys you can't imagine how I felt when I thought in what people who were looking at me were thinking. I just felt so bad. Even writing this my cheeks turn red.

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Thank you, guys <3

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


I hate dogs!!!!
Image source !
One day, I went out with a friend on an outing. I wore my best white dress because the colour of the event was white. When we arrived at the venue, one of the guest came with her dog, the dog was very huge so I was scared. I didn't even know when I started running but I knew the dog was chasing me, I destroyed some valuables while running and I fell and ruined my beautiful dress, when the dog got to where I laid it only flapped it tail and left. When the dog left, everyone starred at me in amusement, maybe they thought I was psycho because I ruined the party and I felt so embarrassed. "That was my most awkward moment ever in life"

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

My Entry

I Wish

I want to fly
Lonely in the sky
I have no wings
But want ti try
I dont want to land
I just need sky
i can see everything
But have no eyes
Sky is for me
Its only me
I see on sky
Only you and I

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My most awkward moment was when my head tie in church removed as a result of the breeze coming from a standing fan. That very day, I had a very unkempt hair, so when it removed because it wasn't tight enough, I was soo embarrassed and felt awkward. The worst part was that, as I was trying to pick up the scarf, it was continuously moving forward due to the same breeze from the fan. The congregation laughed at me because it was offering section where you need to stand and walk to the basket for offertory.

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my most awkward moment is studying

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I had something on my teeth on my date with my crush.
-this is my most awkward moment- I thought
But the curious thing about it is that when you are with a person who really cares about you, even the most epic of all awkward moments seems like nothing.

Since that day I had a lot of awkward moments, but that moment could give a quite of good stories to laugh or remember the reaction of the witness, who was your accomplice? who was your judge?.

You REALLY know people.

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This is the best entry so far. GOOD LUCK!

Thank you so much!


My most awkward and embarrassing moment was in my school play. It's an annual event in which all the grades perform and the school auditorium is full of parents. It was back in 8th grade we did a play in which I was the devil and villian of the story we did the rehearsals and everything was fine until the day of the actual play. I was on stage and acting when my turn came to say the dialog I froze the lines were wiped off from my mind and began stuttering there, the moment took everyone by surprise and a few seconds had gone by which to me felt like hours when my teacher spoke the lines from behind. I was trying tk compose myself but there were tears dropping from the little boy frightened of theany eyes staring at him. It felt a terrifying experience and I had lost all self confidence until my parents and teachers motivated and consoled me. Thank God the internet wasn't a big thing back then otherwise I would have gone viral.

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Nice entry!
Please read the and obey the instructions I just updated about the title. You are pardoned because I updated it after you submitted. Might not be same for others from now

Thank you, will try to follow the rules in particular from now on.

My must awkward moment happened several years back when I was staying with an aunt.
I stole a piece of meat from her pot of soup while she was out .
When she asked if I took meat from the pot, I denied it.
It was just me, her and her little gir in the house.
Then she said "There were 7 pieces of meat before I left the house, how come 1) is missing ?"
At this time, I felt the ground should just open and swallow me.
I felt so ashamed , embarrassed

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On our inter-school debate day, after the debate by the contestants, "if you have anything to contribute, come forward", the moderator announced. From the rear seat I sat, I jokingly staggered out heading to the podium amidst loud cheers from my cronies who knew I was up for jokes. I was about walking past the podium when I noticed my fierce looking principal staring at me without my knowledge. I had to go get the microphone to avert being punished only to make things worse for I knew not the debate topic.
My humiliation was epic😂😂😂

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When I was still a performing artist, I used to get invites to shows to perform am sometime judge intalemt hunts. My most awkward moment as a performing artist was on an award show in a campus in Cross river state. An artist of mine was an awardee and I was to join her on stage to give my official speech and receive the award. While she was announced the winner of the most promising act in 2015 female category with the joy an all we ran to the stage to receive the award and I slipped on a microphone cord and fell flat on my face. It was so embarrassing and it was also recorded. I think that was the most awkward moment of my life.

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My Entry

My most awkward moment happened two years back I was coming from work one afternoon and I was so stressed out all I needed to do was just go home eat and sleep. Then two boys walking behind me were calling out to me, I thought they wanted to toast me so like a normal Nigerian lady I started forming and cat-walking too. getting to where I wanted to board a bike about 12bike riders now shouted in naija pigin "Aunty Your trouser don tear for yatsh o, see your white pant" I felt like dying, disappearing or vanishing.

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Mine happened when I took some girl I met at an event out for a date only to arrive there seeing this other girl that I have been crushing on for months. There she was with someone else. I became unstable as i kept glancing at her direction, my attention was drawn to her to the point that when the girl I came out with was busy telling me about the sudden demise of her mum, that was the moment I overheard my crush say a joke to the guy she was with, I accidentally laughed out loud.
Here she was telling me about her mum's demise and I was laughing so hard.. Hmmmmm

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I once had sex with a lover, and by that time we almost reached the top. I accidentally farted (with a loud enough voice) and my partner laughed (he said 'do you just throw your energy out), I'm so embarrassed.

It was an awkward moment that was hard to forget.

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Ok, thank you

it definitely makes you awkward and very hard to forget.

It seems that only you are writing about bed ...

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My entry

one day I passed through the forest with a little banana, suddenly the monkey jumped into me and I was surprised to run very sharply ...!
it turns out the monkey would take the bananas in my hand. after the banana was brought with the monkey I laughed without smiling.

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Talk about awkwardness, I've had many of such moments, my most awkward moment would be my first inter school debate, been one of the best speakers in my school, I got selected to represent my school in an inter school debate. I was fully prepared, but once I got on the stage, I just froze, I had never address such number of audience and their faces were not friendly, I couldn't say anything, all I had to say was gone. I just stood there stammering....couldn't get pass the salutation and introduction. I just kept folding my sleeves, as though the things to say where there. I felt so stupid, vowed never to feel that way again.

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I was in my college when we had our class film showing. When the show started I had already the feeling that I was to fart. I tried to stop it because it will cause disturbance to all. We were on a airconditioned room,so it was close. But the more i tried to stop it the more it releases to my anus. Huhu. Then it happened that I accidentaly farted loudly. Yes loudly. The film has to stop because the odor cannot go outside. Everybody went outside and those moments were very awkward to me. But such happiness to recall those things.

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)


Awkward moment when a close friend of mine was organising the burial ceremony of his 76 years old dad. He invited and made it clear to me that the occasion was gonna hold on saturday at 11am.

On that day I got dressed in my "Igbo" attire, looking very enthusiastic and full of life as that burial was more of a "Celebration of life". When I arrived there at 11-36am no one had gotten there. The stage hadn't even been set yet. Damn! I was so embarrassed. I was the only one looking odd at the place. Every other person hadn't even dressed up yet. Imagine that?

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Many thanks.

In Nigeria it is very common to spot long cues at ATM's at the end of the month.
Last may(2018), I just received my salary for the month & decided to go do a quick withdrawal from the ATM, spent 1 hour on cue, quarrelled With any & everyone who tried to shunt the line, finally got to the machine and could not find my Debit card! I had to leave in shame, got back to the office to find it was in my breast pocket all along. I still avoid that bank branch till date.

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Interesting topic...
My entry
I once worked for a blog where i repost links. So there was this girl that took semi nude bithday pictures
The pictures went viral on campus, so the blog picked it up and i was in the position to repost the link.
I did and i got insults from people, they termed me jobless for reposting link of someones nude pictures. I felt bad and i chatted up the birthday girl, to apologize and she gave me an insult of my life.
I couldn't go to school the next day, i felt so awkward and embarrassed"

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Greetings, my uncomfortable situation was years ago, I went to Caracas, Venezuela, to participate in a 5 km race, we spent the night before in a hotel and we got up in the morning with stomach problems, when we arrived at the race, with pains of stomach and eager to go to the bathroom and but there were no toilets. I went to the Terminal de la Bandera in Caracas, I almost felt very bad, endured the urge to go to the bathroom, until I got to the bathroom and lost the opportunity to participate in the race.

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My Entry
Phew! It may be funny now, it wasn't then though! My awkward moment happened during my NYSC camp in Abuja May 2015. I was alone when my platoon leader involved me in a drama. I'm the shy type though! I rehearsed with them and it went well not until I was told that my part won't be needed anymore, I was cool with it.
To my surprise, I was called again that I have to play my part, I tried to avoid it but couldn't, I couldn't deliver and I left the stage shamefully and depressed.

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Last christmas, the restaurant I work at was so full of people. I only wanted to end my shift so I could go home. My girlfriend was there because we had to go dinner with her parents. I had to go number 2 but didn't want to waste any more time since I was already one hour late and on my way home, I craped my pants. I made time so she could go without me. Then, walking home with shit in my pants I ran over a cousin who talked and talked until I finally made my way out.

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My Entry
When I was 5, I got admitted to school. When I was 7 years old then I wan in class two. When I was class two I had a crush on a girl in my class and I didn't know how to deal it so I wrote her a letter that just said "Get out of my school".

It was an awkward moment to say her I like or love you. And this is my way to get rid from her.

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Earlier I did not know what the meaning of awakening moment is. Now I know it. This is my awakening moment

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It awkward not awaking @minhaz416



Earlier I did not know what the meaning of awkward moment is. Now I know it. This is my awkward moment.awkward means something like bad/nasty

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


I love this kind of publications!

They motivate each one of us to take out the writer we carry inside. I love him.

This type of initiative makes this community a place where I want to spend more time sharing my thoughts.



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In 10th standard,I fell in love in my coaching institute.I decided to propose her on 14th february,but on 13th feb. returning from coaching suddenly I feeled badly for urine,when I was peeing beside the road,I got abused myself from someone,and it was much fog also,but few seconds later a lady with her pretty girl came closer to me,I got badly ashamed,because the girl with the lady was my "dream girl",and she founded me peeing infront of her house.I left my coaching from that day!

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It was on a Sunday afternoon. I really didn't understand why I was happy that day. I was just greeting everyone around after service. People were also calling me to greet me and I was just moving to and fro. I noticed my friend calling me from afar but I was just telling her

I'm coming...I'm coming

Thinking she was waiting for me to go home together. After few minutes, a guy called me aside and told me I was stained.
I felt like the ground should open. Apparently, everyone has seen me with blood stains.
It was truly awkward.

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My most awkward moment, it happened to me today in the afternoon, I had a container with coffee with milk inside a bag for my work, the lid was not secure, I was distracted talking to a friend in her vehicle and suddenly I lowered my head, my feet were flooded with coffee with milk. I had to clean my sandals and remove the carpet from the vehicle and wash it. waoo In addition, a light rain fell.

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Yesterday in the evening I did my awkwardness, because I put a warm milk in the kitchen to take bread and I started to write a post on Steemit until I felt a strong smell of burning and it was when I remembered that I had put the milk in the kitchen and I ran out and found the pot with the charred milk and a dark ocher color almost charcoal and it was the only cup of milk that I had left ...

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)


My most awkward moment lol it's annoying though but funny, @ least i have a story to tell.
I really was excited last year December when I woke up one morning and was asked to go get two chickens from the closest poultry, i went there with my little bro, we selected two chickens and paid for it while they were much people also struggling for chicken that morning. Then i saw my female crush passing, as I was trying to give my younger bro the chicken on my hand and make her notice me you won't believe when the chicken excreted on me profusely damn She saw me and every other people buying the chicken, they laughed and told me sorry. That was really embarrassing to me because am always shy whenever i see her but lucky for me she's my girlfriend now and no longer crush.

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My most akward moment was it was one summer during my childhood days. Every summer our barangay has many activities being done especially the Baragangay Fiesta is nearing. So one activity was the Singing Contest. And I had registered myself confidently. I began practicing at home in front of the mirror. Then on the day of the contest, I was about to go up the stage, I froze. I suddenly realized I have speech deficiency!! why the heck did I join! I backed out and I apologized.

I went home crying!

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Almost a year ago when I was in 4th semester there was a female professor who teaches us Maths.
I used to ask so many questions about every topic we had to learn and she dislikes everyone who asks her questions becuase she was just a beginner also and don't know how to answer every question she dosesn't know.
The awkward moment for me was when the whole class got good marks and i got F grade because i asked her alot of questions and that was my first ever supply in any subject, i was heartbroken.

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thank you

Very nice story. I look farward to see this beautiful and moral story.

We'll appreciate your entry as well.
Good luck

Friend i upload video in dlive and dtube can you see this and comment your advise about my post.

Surely, this contest will be interesting. I am look forward to read the stories.

During my undergraduate days I love visiting people most especially my uncles. On morning I received a call from my uncle saying I should come over to his place, with joy and gladness I humbly accepted. The next day I packed by bags "off I go" to his. On getting to his place I never knew he had bought two new fierce looking, black giant dogs, making little stroll round the compound.

"The awkward moment"

With a free mind, being unaware I ran into the dogs. Guess what, for like 5 minutes I was at still, looking at the black dogs the dogs looking back at me. Two questions came into my mind

  • Should I run?
  • Should I shout my uncle's

as I thought about these questions in my mind, I made some steps backwards while the dogs kept on glearing are me with there tongues half way out of there mouth.

I decided to shout my uncle's who quickly ran to my rescue. Thank God I was not beaten by the dogs.

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)


I had just come back from Abuja and I was forming guyman to those village girls. I would be forming and snobbing them.

On this fateful Saturday, I was fiddling and flaunting my phone while walking the streets. I was so engrossed in my chats that I didn't notice I was approaching a gutter. All of a sudden, I fell inside the gutter and sustained wounds. Immediately, I jumped out and checked to see if anyone saw me. As I lifted up my eyes, I saw those girls. You can imagine how I looked🙈🙈 as they laughed at me.

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Today nothing could go wrong. I ordered my room, washed the dishes, vacuumed the carpet and irrigated the flowers in the garden.
I would receive Sarah's visit and I wanted to ask for a marriage.
She knocked on my door, let her in and sat on the couch. I knelt down, took her hand and told her I wanted to be with her forever.
My surprise was that I had lost the ring somewhere and she was waiting for me to put it on her finger.
I was so ashamed that I never tried to ask for a marriage again.

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My entry

Many people have lost their lives due to small misconception

At midnight the people of my village were running behind a man Oh catch this thief, this thief is taking our child up I even started running behind that thief I carefully watched the thief's face, then he was not a thief, he was my aunt's boy. I recognized him immediately,
I asked him the reason for running, he told me that I was taking my son to the hospital. My son is very sick if you do not come on time then this people And if you had not come at the time, the people of the village killed me. Thank you so much that you saved me.....!A little misunderstanding can cause someone to die...

it had become a memorable day for my life

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)


There could be no worst awkward times more embarrassing than when I was insulted by a course mate because I repeated a session. The whole session was awkward and boring to me. Knowing you are better in many ways.

I got admitted into the University after a lot of years at home. Couple with the financial difficulties at the time of gaining admission, I found myself performing badly in some few courses that saw me repeating a level. I have to stay in a new class with new intakes while my initial mates move ahead of me.

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I forgot to throw my sanitary pads inside the rubbish bin in the toilet. That time happend when i m working in apartments. I go out from toilet without notice my sanitary pads still on top of watercloset. And when i in another room i just remember it. But when i come back to check it. My boss (Mr .) Came out from toilet with his face blushed. And i just smiled akwardly. He didn't talk to me about that thing. But when i rush in i knew it he help me to throw it. It's so embarrassing.

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Thank you i hope sov

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My most awkward moment happen months ago. A friend was driving on our way to visit my brother in his place of IT, suddenly we miss the way so He decided to use Nsit Ibom round about. He spent more than an hour going round just to locate the right part follow,meanwhile I was busy redeeming on my steemit account. When he got more confused he asked me what he should do, immediately I adviced him to reversed not knowing we are on a roundabout. I was shocked when everyone in the car started laughing at me that I am a super Infact I am Wooow, I have ever seen someone reversed on a roundabout. 😂

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This is very rich, coming from @steemjet.

Thank you as we'll also appreciate your entry.

I took a locally made beverage and some doughnut in school. My stomach started to rumble and immediately i left for home. Took time, but I got to the house only to find that my cousin had travelled and with the key to the house. I was about to explode. I searched the whole place to find a means to ease the tension. Almost gave up, when I found an enclosure with bushes. I darted in. I let it all go but i still soiled my inner shorts and when I was done, I threw the short away

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Drop your entry on the comment section of this post.
Good luck

“Why will I need that? It's too late and everyone is waiting for me.“
I answered my mother when she suggested I take the umbrella before leaving home. I finished makeup and needed to straighten my hair; in ten minutes my work audition would begin.
I walked five blocks to the business building, but halfway through the road an unforeseen rain began that changed my day.
When I entered the conference I was soaked from head to toe and I looked like a clown with mixed makeup all over my face. Very embarrassed I regretted not obeying my mother's recommendation.

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my entrance:

Years ago while playing football, was the semifinal of the tournament and tied 1-1, played as a midfielder, I armed myself with courage dribbling, center kick a bounce that gave the goalkeeper, and score the goal, was the happiest day of my life , turning around to celebrate one of the guys from the other team I put my pants down and I was in boxers in front of everyone I did not know how to react to everyone's mockery I put my pants up and ran to defend, the only thing I could do was laugh

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My ENtry
When I was 8 years Old, Our Family planned to go for picnic with other relatives.We Hire a Coach for travel but at the end Driver denied and we decide to go on local Bus. We start our Journey.
At the point all family members and relatives get out from bus except me :P.
After few minutes when my brother missed me at point He told to My Father and than he took rikshaw and came to same bus and than Ask me.
Shiraz Why are you sitting here, don't you wanna go to picnic.
I replied, Yes I am seeing FARHANA AUNTY, when she leave the bus I will :P. Suddenly the MAM wearing same dress like my aunty look at my side and I was shocked. and My FATHER laughed loudly :P And said come with me all members waiting for you there.

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My entry

That awkward moment when you see yourself sitting close to a beautiful lady in class, who you have a crush on. you guys exchange pleasantries and you notice she was so engrossed with the sex magazine she's reading. You asked her what the sex book is all about that she hardly paid attention in the seminar.

Girl: This is a wonderful magazine about sex. It says that Americans have the longest pennis, Spanish guys have the biggest diameter and while croatian guys have the highest stamina in bed. By the way, my name is Becky. What's yours?"

Me: my name is Sam Antonio Djokovic, nice to meet you.

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was sitting in the large siting room thinking about what future holds for me, good or bad?

That's what is running in my mind the moment I heard my school of choice, federal university of technology, Akure has released their admission list. I got into a fiasco of what to do if I was admitted or not.

That's my most awkward moment

On a lovely tuesday morning, I was directed to a place for a job and I was asked to wait for someone at one particular spot, i noticed the blind man approaching me wasn't sure where I was so i called out on your right and I was on his left. He corrected me and I was shocked.

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My Entry

I had eaten beans and plantain that morning and headed straight for class. As usual, I was the first to arrive, and all of a sudden, my stomach started rumbling. I knew what it was. In my mind, I didn't want to have the stench on my seat, so I went so close to the door, raised my buttocks high and out came the sound. "Pppooooopppaaaaapuffffgbbbuum" I heaved a sigh of relief and looked up smiling.
I saw him holding his nose. It was my crush, just by his side was the lecturer.

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)


My most awkward moment was this year, I was pregnant, I was almost 9 months old and I had to go to the doctor, i arrived early to the hospital, the doctor arrived at 7 o'clock in the morning, suddenly I felt that i was making pi me and there was no bathroom nearby, I could not stand and I peed in my pants, I went into the doctor's office and all the people saw me and I felt very embarrassed because I had all the pants wet, but truth was tha i was in labor and I was breaking fountain XD

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My most awkward moment happened months back when i was on my way back from a date with a girl that took me almost 6months to woo. After having lunch at a restaurant on our way home I got pressed and immediately urinated at the nearby drainage 2minutes later 2army men came and pointed to the sign that said Don't urinate here at the spot i urinated on. Immediately they asked me to do 50frog jumps and afterwards go pack my urine with my hands, and my date just stood there enjoying the drama.

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great post have a look at my profile also thanks for information

Great post have a look
At my profile also thanks
For information

                 - shivapathak1

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Amazing opportunity for our dear steemians.

Thank you Mr. Judge for your services

My entry...
The most uncomfortable moment I have been was when I was a teenager as an adolescent at school, that day my mother bought me new clothes that were a bit ugly, but because I did not entrister it, I put it on when I arrived at the activity I realized that my clothes were not suitable for the occasion, however try to ignore them. As I felt very sorry, I stepped away from the group and sat on the edge of a rope that delimited the garden and with the touch of the rope my pants broke. That day I was not only sorry for the clothes but also had a hole in the back. The longest day of my life ...

Tnx for upvote..

good article @steemjetconstest

tnx for upvote

cute slug