How to Draw a Political Cartoon: A Beginner’s Guide

in steemjs •  4 years ago 

Joe Biden Notecards Political Cartoon


If you like to draw and you like politics, this would be ideal. You have to have some background in art and drawing caricatures. You have to capture the politician’s likeness so it will be recognized. You would have to find a current event or a news story. Sometimes you have the vision beforehand. You can start with the exaggerated caricature and while you are drawing, some big joke will come up. Then you have to ink the sketch and colorize it. Maybe run it through a vector software or filter, and it is ready to be submitted to a newspaper or shared online on social media.

Step 1 Find a topic

If you are going to use a politician as a subject, it has to be someone or something that you are interested in. You should study the details about the subject and compare it with a good image. You do not want a photo with many shadows. You can choose a political figure who seems to be more polarizing. This is the time to showcase how their policies affect everyday Americans. A popular politician like Sleepy Joe Biden would be easy to draw. Step 2Draw To draw the caricature, you need to understand the human anatomy, anatomy of facial features, proportions, and anatomy of all body parts. You can take pictures of politicians you like or are friends with, but it is better to search online.


Step 2 Draw your caricature

To draw the caricature, you need to understand the human anatomy, anatomy of facial features, proportions, and anatomy of all body parts. The Reilley Method for caricature is really good. It maps the face pretty well. Not one feature is the same as another. You can take pictures of politicians you like or are friends with, but it is better to search online.

You have to start with a list of newspaper and news websites you like to read. Newspapers are a quick and cheap way to get in touch with your audience and stay up to date on the news. You might like the Infowars, Breitbart, Daily Caller, and so on. You could find a story on there you would like to do an EDITORIAL political cartoon on. You can even pick from youtube.

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Step 3 Ink your caricature

This is the fun part. I made this video with instructions and photos of each step I made.


Step 4 Colorize your caricature

Cater your caricature to your opponent’s coloring preferences. Everything is symbolic, even color. Give it a professional touch using different colors for the clothing and face. You do this on a layer without the ink work. Or on a layer about the ink work, but multiply the colors so the black ink remains on top. Use another layer to add light using screen, overlay. Or make shadows with the darken or color burn layer.

![]() And you can add SATURATION to it or mess with the levels. Contrast, brightness or Filters ![]()

Step 5 Submit your political cartoon or your caricature

It is better to learn to draw political caricatures if you have a skill in the art. If you’re a beginner, don’t bother with this step. You can save the best caricature for last because this is the image you are going to upload in the newspaper or on the web. Don’t miss the 1-page template to draw your first political caricature. Submit it for publication. Most news channels take in sketches that are submitted to them by other cartoonists. The cartoonist decides what to do with it. Then he gets an assignment and puts the image on his Facebook page or website, and shares it with his followers. If they like the cartoon, they will share it on their social media pages. Visit the official website to submit your political caricatures for inclusion in the newspaper. The final step is to submit your caricature to your newspaper or website. Or you can use your social media to share them with big publications or in the comments sections of the story you are illustrating. Check to see which of these news outlets has provided your platform and it should be easy to find out from the website. Just go there and sign up and wait. On the website, you can submit your entry. You can enter the cartoon as a pdf or a jpg and they will be in the system. Make sure the cartoon you submit includes the politician’s name in it, in case it is not too recognizable.


A political cartoon is a way to express your message visually, and that it is made with utmost care. You do not want to draw a political cartoon and then feel disappointed when you do not get an acceptance letter to your “first art exhibition.” but if it is online, it is forever. Learn more about cartooning and how to draw a political cartoon. Read lots of books and try to start by ANALYZING them. When you see a political cartoon online, scroll down in the comments section, try to give a go-at-it at the analysis. Just be yourself and write whatever this cartoon makes you feel. Try to figure out the hidden symbols.

If you would like a Conservative Political Cartoon drawn for you, please hire me. I can turn your joke, into a real political cartoon that you would love, I can do this in 24 hours and I start at 5$ a cartoon. My link is:

Draw conservative political cartoon by Suvine | Fiverr

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