You can’t think of anything funny to draw. It’s not easy to be funny. Drawing political cartoons is hard, and making them funny is even harder. So how do I make a good political cartoon?
The world is a crazy place, and it’s hard to make sense of everything that goes on in the news these days. It’s easy for political cartoonists to get stuck when trying to develop ideas for their next cartoon. Most people think that drawing a cartoon is just about being creative and having fun, but if you want to impact your art, you need to understand the audience and what makes them laugh. This is hard when you are trying to be political. Most cartoonists make the mistake of thinking that they need to be funny first before drawing. But this approach makes it very difficult for you to create a comic strip or illustration with humor in mind.
Cartoonists writer’s block you have to get over. Drawing is a great way to learn how to channel your creativity into humor rather than frustration. This tool will help you overcome writer’s block by guiding you through each step from start to finish so that every idea becomes funny cartoons instead of boring ones! Cartoonists will teach you how to draw cartoons for different audiences while staying relevant in today’s politics and social media world. You’ll learn how humor works across cultures, age groups, genders, etc… The book teaches everything from writing jokes for journalism articles all the way up to creating viral memes on Facebook or Twitter. It also covers tactics on getting published in newspapers and other forms of online media like YouTube videos or podcasts. If there’s a platform where people can see your work, this book has something useful! I have developed a simple but effective process where we draw an interesting character and then add jokes later on as needed. This allows us to focus our creative energy on creating compelling characters instead of struggling over joke writing. You start with a caricature, and then the joke comes while drawing. Cartoonists, the best way to learn how to draw political cartoons in just 10 minutes per day is to do it.
The world is a crazy place, and it’s hard to make sense of everything that goes on in the news. So it can be tough for political cartoonists, like me, when we’re trying to come up with ideas for our next drawing – how do I know what people will find funny?
I always have trouble coming up with good jokes, but luckily, cartoons are usually pretty short these days, so you don’t need too many punchlines or clever lines.
![]()If you want a political cartoon drawn for you, please look here: