Mandatory Vaccines for Children is a Good Idea. Anthony Fauci Political cartoon

in steemjs •  3 years ago 
![]() Dr. Death Anthony Fauci thinks vaccines for coronavirus is a good idea for the kids to be mandatory ![]()

Fauci says mandatory COVID vaccines for students ‘good idea’ (

The Coronavirus Vaccine is Killing Children

Whether it is MYOCARDITIS, blood clots, bleeding eyes, or death, the vaccine is killing our kids. But, unfortunately, the truth is being censored on social media. Google is hiding the results. Now Dr. Anthony Fauci says it is a good idea that children be forcibly vaccinated to attend school. What is going on? Is there Graphene Oxide as a trade secret in the vaccines? Why did Japan reject the coronavirus vaccines, saying there was liquid metal in them?

The vaccine is killing our kids.

According to the State of Maryland and the story “They Still Claim That The Vaccine Kills Every Single Child” that was featured in the Baltimore Magazine by Sandra Bricker at CNS News, State lawmakers are promoting legislation in this upcoming session that would require vaccination of school-aged children at 12 months of age and before they enroll in kindergarten. In addition, Americans should note that in 2011 Maryland was ordered to pay $10 million to the family of a young girl who died after receiving the MMR vaccine for damages done by “misleading, deceptive, unfair, and unlawful practices” by the CDC and a handful of doctors. The judge wrote that the vaccine “placed the public health in jeopardy and deprived this child of her right to life.

Amish people do not get them. There is zero autism. Wake up. Vaccines have never been about anything but maiming.

But what about the coronavirus vaccine?

Here is a guy from England.



This is on the UK GOV website.

Commencement of Covid jabs FOR ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN AGED 12 – 15 years old STARTING SEPTEMBER 6th 2021.

WITH OR WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT. Sending your child/children to school is consent.

Children are at no measurable risk from SARS-CoV-2 & no previously healthy child has died in the U.K. after infection. Not one.

The vaccines are NOT SAFE. The USA reporting system VAERS is showing around 13,000 deaths in days to a few weeks after administration. A high % occurs in the first three days. Approximately 70% of serious adverse events are thromboembolic (blood clotting- or bleeding-related).

We understand why this is; all gene-based vaccines cause our bodies to manufacture the virus spike protein, and that spike protein triggers blood coagulation.

The next most common type of adverse event is neurological.

Death rates per million vaccinations are running everywhere at around 60X more than any previous vaccine.

Worse, thromboembolic events such as pulmonary embolisms appear at over 400X the typical low rate after vaccination.

These events are severe, occur at a hideously elevated level, and are as common in young people as in older adults. Thus, the tendency is that younger people are having MORE SEVERE adverse events than older people.

There is no benefit whatsoever from this vaccine. It is not even a vaccine. It is an experiment.

As stated, the children are unquestionably NOT AT RISK, and vaccinating them WILL ONLY RESULT IN PAIN, SUFFERING, LASTING INJURIES, or DEATH.

Children rarely even become symptomatic and are very poor transmitters of the virus. This idea isn’t theory. It’s been studied, and it pretty much doesn’t happen that children bring the virus into the home. In a large study, on not one occasion was a child the ‘index case’ – the first infected person in a household.

So if you’re told, “it’s to protect vulnerable family members,” THAT IS A LIE.

The information emerging over time from U.K. and Israel is now showing clearly that the vaccines DO NOT EVEN WORK WELL. So if there’s any benefit, it wanes.

Finally, the vaccines ARE NOT EVEN NECESSARY. There are suitable, safe, and effective treatments. For one, you are not sleeping with heaters on all night. You wake up with dehydrated lungs. Hence you get the flu. Watch what you eat. Go organic. Stop taking pills. Look into and question the archaic germ theory. It may be just a trick to get us all scared of a threat from inside.


And for no possible benefit.

“KNOWING WHAT I KNOW FROM 40 years TRAINING & PRACTICE IN TOXICOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY, and PHARMACOLOGY. That to particulate in this extraordinary abuse of innocent children in our care can be classified in no other way than MURDER. “

It’s up to you. If I had a secondary school-age child in the U.K., I would not be returning them to school next month, no matter what.

The state is going to vaccinate everyone. The gloves are off. This vaccine mandate has never been about a virus or public health. It’s wholly about control, totalitarian and irreversible control at that, and they’re nearly there.


With somber best wishes,


Dr. Mike Yeadon

The vaccine’s side effects are not being shared.

The very people promoting the Coronavirus vaccine were in the control of hiding death. Is the vaccine responsible for death and cancer in Japan? Why aren’t media reports mentioning cancer and disease? Why are doctors hiding the vaccine results and the side effects? It is common practice to suppress bad news that doesn’t promote an agenda. However, the world is changing, and one day all of this will be in the open. The vaccine program, like the AIDS, CDC 9/11 Commission, Fukushima, and other horrific events, is starting to light. Help protect our children from harm and death.

Google is censoring the truth.

What are the events being suppressed to protect the vaccine giant? Japan says there is liquid metal in the vaccine and will not accept the vaccine. This is being buried in the U.S. and U.K. The U.S. State Dept. will pay them $25,000 a pop if they test Graphene Oxide on humans and declare the liquid metal is harmless. The FDA Would Pay Drug Companies $25,000 for Autopsies on Children Killed by Vaccines Dr. Fauci, who oversees all the major National Institutes of Health Vaccine Program, says it’s ok to give this deadly vaccine to children. The CDC authorizes him to do this. He just stated that a child should be injected forcibly with the vaccine.

  1. Fauci’s opinion

We need more people to stand up and speak out for our children. It is not fair that we punish our children for the mistakes of others. It is irresponsible that some lawmakers are trying to force vaccinations on our children without listening to the opinions of our physicians and researchers. Government forces would have us believe that vaccinations are for our protection and that the danger from herd immunity will pass. But it won’t. The Gardasil vaccine has a failure rate of up to 3%. The health of all girls should keep them from getting the vaccine.

One of my best friends won the first supreme court case against vaccines. He represented 37 child deaths from the Gardasil.

Covid-19 is an artificially made bio-weapon used to herd mindless human-sheep into self-annihilation by taking the real weapon of global genocide, the poison covid-19 death shot.

-Dr. Robert Malone states government is lying to you about safety. We are seeing the beginnings of ADE, and don’t take this shot.

-Dr. Delores Cahill states that 90% of immunized people will be dead within two years.

-Dr. Luc Montaguier states that these vaccines and their use during a pandemic will bread super-viruses and lead to genocide.

-Dr. Vanden Bossche states these vaccines will breed super-viruses, which will wipe out a massive number of people. The vaccine itself will do this. The body will react to the poison injected into it. The vaccine victims will shed this to the on vaccinated. Festering sores and bleeding out orifices.

-Dr. Micheal Yeadon states for every one child that says from covid 100 will die from the vaccines.

-Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi states that these vaccines will lease to genocide use to ADE.


“If you give that jab to your child, you are committing a crime.”

~ Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

“Children have a very mild illness. So many of them don’t realize they’ve had COVID-19.” Which is a cold they want to patent. Something in nature they want to own.

~Dr. Peter McCullough

“The risk from seasonal flu we think is probably higher than the risk of covid.”

~Dr. Jenny Harries

“Why would you turn around and inject them with a substance that is experimental and has a growing number of serious side-effects, such as myocarditis?”

“It’s state-sanctioned child abuse, period.”

~Dr. Roger Hodkinson

“It’s crazy to vaccinate them with something that is 50 times more likely to kill them than the virus itself.”

“If you mandate vaccination of all of the children, roughly one hundred of them per million will die as a direct result of your decision, and it will save no lives.”

~Dr. Mike Yeadon

![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Only 1% gets reported. Did you know if you die after 14 weeks after getting the vaccine, you go down as unvaccinated? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()


That is me!

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I drew these on FIVERR for some people.

![]() I have no idea what it means ![]() Phil Murphy. Terrible Governor.
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