RE: Texas Vegan Brisket??? Say it ain't so!

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Texas Vegan Brisket??? Say it ain't so!

in steemkitchen •  6 years ago 

I think delishtreats is awesome and I wouldn't try to knock what they're doing at all.

For others, though, if there's something in your brain that's saying, hey, we should eat meat, than maybe the brain should be listened to.

Ground beef is one of those things that probably could and should be replaced, but still, this has its limits.

That brisket taco sounds pretty good. All of the leaner meats (keto notwithstanding) would be healthy eaten in moderation. You don't have to have meat every meal, or even every day, but it exists for man's use. Nothing is here by accident, including us. We may have not been here first, however which way you come at it, so, anyway. I'm really not getting riled up about this. I'm just saying, if you want to go all vegetarian/vegan, great. Do it. But if the brain keeps saying, I want meat, we need meat, there's probably a natural reason for it.

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howdy again sir Glen..I so agree. People vary so much on what they need individually that I don't care what kind of diet anyone has as long as they don't care what kind I have!

Hahaha, you know that I would enjoy the first thing better @janton! BUT I don't miss the taste of meat so I'm not looking for substitutes. I try to eat plant based as much as possible and avoid gluten too.

This brings me to @glenalbrethsen - Hey Glen :) I think that this kind of substitutes are mainly used by people transitioning to vegan diet. They want to eat 'cruelty free - no meat' BUT they like the taste so they look for replacements.

I think everybody has a choice and I'm not a preaching vegan :) I had my reasons why I went vegan and I'm open to discuss them when somebody asks me BUT I would by no means try to convince anybody about my truth.

And Mr. @janton mentioned me in his post JUST because he wants me to read his blogs, lol!

haha! it's true, it's the only way I can get her to read my second-rate posts so she might be a regular on them from now on! lol.

No, no, you know why I don't read your posts... because I don't trust your content anymore, LOL!!!

what the??? that's saying that you don't trust me. and you know I'll warn you if you it's something that is too violent or bloody. talk about excuses! you just hate my posts, hate the Western themes, hate the United States, hate Texas, hate BBQ, hate our culture, hate cowboys, probably hate baseball and apple pie too!

ODL are you angry @janton

well howdy there brittandjosie! oh no I'm just teasing delishtreats and she knows it, we have a running joking and teasing thing going, but sorry if it sounded that way! lol.
bytheway what does ODL stand for? this platform is the first social media site I've ever been on nor have I done any blogging so I don't know what some of the abbreviations stand for.

OhDearLord My dear Janton. And of this is your first you must make it your trade. 😉 but I liked the blog.

And @delishtreats Thank god he is joking 😉

He just loves to make things up, lol! The only thing I ever said was that I prefer old historical cities so I would like to travel to Asia instead of to the US.. so in his eyes I hate the US :D

And in the mean time, the back and forth is There in the steemit engagement that counts !
He is sooo clever😂

Hahaha, you made me laugh now!!! You didn't warn me about that post with worms. How am I supposed to know if you will warn me next time?! :D

Oh, we both know that this is nonsense, lol.

I don't HATE your posts, I'm afraid to look at them! I don't hate Western themes, it's just not so interesting to me! I don't hate the US, I even told you I would go to the national parks! And why do I hate Texas, your culture and cowboys?! I'm not aware of that!

I LOVE vegan BBQ, lol!

Well, I don't understand baseball as we don't play it here and apple pie is my favorite!!! DUH!?

oh Martina! apple pie is your favorite? wow. because it's vegan right? well that lessons the damage a little on your oppressive hatred against my country and everything I hold dear like my culture.
I don't particularly like baseball either so we can strike that one from your hate-filled list and not count it.

So that just leaves cowboys, Texas and my culture..I don't know why you hate them but for a supposedly peaceful person I suspect you have some hidden anger issues which need to be explored by a mental health professional like a psychiatrist! yes that should be the next order of business.

One reason may be the fact that when you think of Texas and cowboys plant life probably isn't the first thing that pops into one's head.

But your secret anger issues not withstanding I think your comment back is a good one because unlike alot of Europeans I don't hold grudges. And I'm pretty sure I'm not honor-bound not to tease you today right? I sure hope that's the case! lol.

Well, apple pie is not vegan. You have to make it vegan! :)

That is a great advise form someone like you, lol! I haven't heard anybody saying word HATE as many times as you do so I think YOU should consider looking for professional help instead :D

I'm not that big of a fan of apple pie or baseball myself. I'm not even sure what the American culture is supposed to be, so I could probably use some education there. I know this is all a tease between you and delishtreats, but you did use the word hate eight times. :)

hahaha! yeah I've never used that so many times before so I take them back.
I love apple pie but not a big fan of baseball either, it's a little too slow for me!

Hey, @delishtreats.

I'm sure there's plenty of transitioning vegans in the mix, and I guess that makes sense to a degree (guess I'm being more of a purist when it comes to this even though it really doesn't matter that much too me—why? who knows. :) I've also read about it with folks who were a few years into it, also, unless it takes a long time to transition.

To be honest I also don't understand the transitioning vegans very much but well, this is what it is :) You are right too as also some vegans simply like the taste of meat or junk food so they look for substitutes..I think this is also ok as everybody has a choice to do whatever they want to. And as long as it doesn't limit myself, I'm fine with whatever people do :)

well, live and let live (as long no one is being hurt in the process) is better than everyone trying to rule over one another. What anyone eats is pretty low on my list of priorities unless I end up paying for it somehow. Then, I'm not to happy about it.

I get liking the taste of meat. I don't get finding substitutes, but other than stating it, what am I going to do about it? Zilch, zero, nada. I'm just going to keep on eating what I like and others will eat what they like and hopefully everyone can keep happy and healthy. :)

That's a good philosophy! :)