Kitchen Witch Thursdays - Slow Cooker Hot Chocolate

in steemkitchen •  6 years ago 

Kitchen Witch Thursday.png

My grandmother taught me to cook from the time I was old enough to understand, and this was one of the first thing she let me help with when I was younger. This hot chocolate recipe was a must-have at every Thanksgiving and Christmas my family had, and I was in charge of it for many years before I moved away. Now I just like to make it when the weather turns cold because it keeps pretty well for a few days in the fridge once it's made and all it takes is heating it up to enjoy the deliciousness.

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You'll need the following;

This is pretty much the super basic recipe. I've experimented over time with different kinds of chocolate chips like butterscotch and mint and they turn out really nice. You could also add mint or vanilla extract or something similar for a little burst of flavor, but in that case I highly encourage not doing so until it's done so you can taste test to make sure you don't add too much. You can always add more, but once you've added too much it's hard to fix it, you know?

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Toss all your ingredients into a slow cooker and turn it on high for 2-3 hours, or until it starts to boil. If you're serving this for a party you can turn it to warm and just leave it for people to self-serve. It will likely develop a small film of some kind but that's easily fixed by stirring it again.

If you're making this for yourself you can easily wash out the milk jug, wait for the mixture to cool once it's boiled and put it back in the container and in the fridge for a few days.

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Scoop into a cup and enjoy! I put a coffee ice cube in there once it's heated because a) it brings the super boiling temperature down to slightly less boiling and more drinkable without watering down the mix and b) it adds just a little extra flavor that I really enjoy.

This is a really simple recipe, and it's great for holiday parties. Or, you know, if you just want some pre-made comfort you can pour into a cup and enjoy with no effort other than shoving it in the microwave to get nice and warm <3

Banner was made by me in Photoshop. All other pictures here were taken by me specifically for this post. I have been a home cook for over a decade, and any questions or comments about this recipe are encouraged!


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Thanks for the tips. First of all, I never made hot chocolate in a slow cooker, and secondly, I never knew about the ice cube trick. 😊