steemlike rule will be updated. (2018.07.11T00:00:00 UTC)

in steemlike •  7 years ago  (edited)

스크린샷 2017-12-23 오후 2.05.32.png

Thanks to steemlike users.
Currently there are many queues in steemlike.
So, steemlike rule will be updated.

Update time : 2018.07.11T00:00:00(UTC)

1. Request amount.

e.g. Location : 0.1 ~ 3 SBD, ±185%

Request amountRatee.g.
~ Maxfollow current rate3 SBD * 185%
Max ~current rate - 5%4 SBD * 180%

Please refer to steemlike use.

Thanks :)

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Please check this link. I had sent you 2 SBD to upvote this ... I think steemlike voting is missed.

Hi onlineprds
Thanks for your comment,
the request was upvoted more by steemfunding
have a nice day :)


Hi @steemlike team, I transferred 3 SBD 4 days back and the waiting period was 5 days, now it has been increased to 7 days and by that time, my post will be post payout.

Can you transfer back the SBD?

Hi coolguy123.
sorry for the waiting..
the request was refunded.
thanks :)

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