A Few Pictorial Lasts and Firsts PLUS Happy New Year 2019 to All STEEM, Steemit and Steemmonster, Earth and Life Beyond Earth Family!!!! - ULOG #45

in steemmonster •  6 years ago  (edited)

After winning a few cards via @thedarkhorse's Paying It Forward Contest (@pifc), being enticed by @cicisaja in one of @abh12345's Curation and Engagement League Sunday morning posts and quickly assisted by @davemccoy in that same comment thread, then via his TeamPossible discord channel and loaned account, on or around Tuesday, October 30, 2018, I played my very first Steemmonster battle.

That was after I dropped all inhibitions and chose sweet, unadulterated, clean, playful, gift-that-keeps-giving Steemmonsters fun. At last.

Welcome to my Steemmonsters world.


First manual redeem rewards for 2019

Hi everyone,

AND Happy New Year 2019 to All STEEM, Steemit and Steemmonster, Earth and Life Beyond Earth Family!!!!

I wrote that in the heading early on New Year's Day and we're already in the second week of January 2019! Amazing!

So I thought I'd share a few firsts and lasts of the transition from 2018 in to 2019 with you via screengrabs.....

Last published post:

Angela's Steemmonsters Adventure - #8 - Hilarious Minutes On Leaderboard - Saturday, December 29, 2018 - ULOG #44

First song I chose to listen to after waking up this first morning of January 1, 2019:

Then I set it up to loop in Deezer so I had it playing in the background most of the day:


Yes, Louis. What a wonderful world we've got here.

Here's to each of us having fun making 2019 even more wonderful in our own unique way.

Battle log view of last 2018 and first 2019 Steemmonster battles

Thanks to @luis90 for being my very last Steemmonster opponent in battle for 2018!!! Cheers to you, Luis and see you on the battlefield.

Thanks also to @thewineman for joining me early on New Year's Day for my very first battle for 2019. Again, see you on the battlefield, hopefully for a long time to come!!!


Screenshot and replay of very FIRST Steemmonsters battle for the 2019 New Year!!!


Thank you again, @thewineman!!!!


January 1, 2019 daily Steemmonster top battle study

By 9:50am on New Year's Day, I'd studied another first few Steemmonster battles from the Top Battles tab.

The one that made me look over my Fire team and visit Peakmonsters to see how much it would be to upgrade three cards was this battle that you can view here:

First Steemmonster cards to max in 2019, apart from Summoners

I don't think I have even one maxed card yet!!!

If I had US$500-1k to invest free and clear right now in Steemmonsters only, these are a few of the cards I'd buy first:

FIRST, I'd max my beautiful, feisty Cocatrice:


Second, my FAV Death monster, Haunted Spirit....


Then my lovely but deadly Serpent of the Fire, along with Fire Demon.....


And of course, I'll be maxing my Elemental Phoenix.

She was the very first splinter legendary I bought early on. I need 10 more of her but not now. I'm hoping her price will go back down a bit, then I'll grab her.


There are wayyyy too many to list and show, but those would definitely be among the first fav monster upgrades I'd invest in, in between or after maxing my basic traditional Summoners.

MOST Important graphic in 2018 and 2019, Steemmonster-wise

Of course, because I'm always plotting and squeezing every fiat and crypto dollar, this is the first pic I open when I reboot that stays open until the next reboot:


First book I continued reading from 2018 to 2019

The exact page I re-read first:


The kindle edition is available here:

Ok, so that's just a little share of some of what ended 2018 and began the first day of 2019 for me.

Cheers to you and your family and your loved ones for this new first month of this brand new and exciting 2019.

I wish you every good thing and every richest Blessing as you create your very best year everrrrrrr.

Until next time....

Enjoy and squeeze out every drop of enjoyment in all the remaining moments of this week, then the next, next and next....

Pretty soon, we'll be looking back at the transition we made between 2019 and 2020!!!


PS Here's what I love about battling that's currently available RIGHT NOW via Steemmonsters:

  • extra joy and happiness
  • continuous, evolving daily quest and ranking goals with sweet matching, dependable, ongoing accomplishments and prizes
  • real immediate results
  • AMAZINGLY delicious, regular, hourly and daily heart smiles and fun, extra, happy jump-out-of-bed boost
  • list goes on and on....

If you aren't yet play battling on Steemmonsters, start playing and earning your DAILY GIFT Steemmonsters Booster Pack Prize.

Each daily quest pack prize will have at least one Rare or higher level card that you can either keep or sell on the Steemmonster's market.


You'll find full instructions on how to start battling under 'Battle' then 'How To Play' when you login to your STEEMMONSTERS account.

PPS I'm still practicing my 'not-limiting-to-30 Days' personal Ho'oponopono healing forgiveness and gratitude challenge. I just use the simple 4-line exercise on anything that triggers, saddens, upsets or calls to me for attention during my days, including horrible news and world events.

Here's the four line exercise:

“I’m sorry.
Please forgive me.
I love you.
Thank you.”

And here's my early, first post-HF20 Ho'oponopono inner detox five minute freewrite:


AND here's where you can get my help in cleaning up whatever aspect of your front burner life issues you choose to at this time so you can more quickly manifest the changes you want to:


Copyright @ Angela Chen Shui.
All Worldwide rights reserved.

Main graphic source, unless specifically stated otherwise, via my Stencil account or personal info screen grabs. #Ulogger footer via @phantum04, page dividers via @kristyglas.


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And a happy new year to you too!

Glad to see you have joined the @steemmonsters brigade :D

Thanks so much, Asher/@abh12345!!!

Took so long to finally jump in but soooo happy I did. ;)

Oohh my Jamaican Lady @angelacs 😍 I love Louis too.. paoa sachtmo always boost my energy of the day 😉 and you're already on diamond league👏👏👏 that's really cool. You'll find that unicorn also the best reward cards and wish that you could maxed all those monsters to play in higher tier soon.

Hey my dearest @cicisaja!!! I'm not surprised you love Louis too!!! YES, it was amazing how that song expressed AND boosted my happy feeling all day. Need to remember to play it in the background most if not every day. ;)

Thankkkk youuuuuuu so much, Cici!!! I'm going to finish up a DQ now and have been praying to get that new sacred unicorn since I first saw it!!!! Took soooo long to get my first DQ Lord Arianthus but I hope I'll get the uni MUCH faster. Maybe I should imagine your and Evan's lucky fingers pulling my cards!!!! ;)

😂😂😂 i haven't got any unicorns for myself either @angelacs 😉 but I think i'd love to see one in my 50 reward cards at the end of season.. got another golden daria and several lords for other TP accs I've been playing all this season 5 though.

I got a phantom last night and so glad that the killing white bots left me alone when I reached the diamond league.. finally😂

That's what I'm hoping too for end of season 5, @cicisaja!!! LOTSSSS and lots of the brand new cards, esp the unicorn, phantom, lord. And I'm already loving the new pirate archer, including the LOW mana!!! LOVE the low mana cards @steemmonster now putting out!!!!

Also put in first two bids last night thanks to @davemccoy's egging on in his bidding tutorial. He's now officially King Bidder! ;)

😂😂😂😂 and I've never seen you on the battle field too becausr your cards already high level now 😉 good to know and hope that you'll join the tourney too.. at least TP tourney

Don't worry, @cicisaja, you'll soon be beating me up and you're already trouncing my alt. You beat her up a few times a couple days ago. ;)

I will join the TP tournies. Missed the last silver one/s..... have to check in more often THEN remember when they are after joining. ROFL!!!

I made it diamond 2 with my level 3 summies though 😁 that floating head really helps me a lot, so does golden daria, it helps me with my out of level rewards and gold cards.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Yep! HUGE Congratzzz, @cicisaja!!!

That's why I always tell you you're going to mash it up when you finally decide to go straight to champ level. I hope that's in next season. ;)

You mean you think you get more Daria and Lords because you use them a lot? You do get them a LOT!!! ;)