SteemMonsters Pack Contest [My Sister is Such a Pig]

in steemmonsters •  7 years ago 

No seriously, this is Bella my pig-sister. Pig of my father. His favorite daughter. Yes, she lives in the house, and yes, we feed her scraps from the table like a dog (as long as it's healthy for her… remember folks, pigs and sodium are not friends).

This isn’t going to be a very long one today lovies, I’ve had a pretty wild weekend. Things should be calming down a bit now but my mental reserves are looking a bit dry, and The Fours are being shit heads… I am including random completely unrelated bits of my weekend in here for ya’ because I can.

Look at baby brother giving big sissy Bella some loves.

I got some participation in my contest last week!! I’m so happy about it. The first part of the contest was simple… Share a memory with me and winners will be chosen by my preference.

I gave room for up to three winners, which worked out perfectly because I got three memories. I didn’t have to feel bad about leaving someone out!!!!

The winners were…

@maverickinvictus - 3 Steem Basic Income shares

@Rentmoney - 1 Steem Basic Income share

@botefarm - 1 Steem Basic Income share

This fucker jumped right at my face during dinner -.- … he apologized though. Oh this is Fluffy btw.

Now, really my weekly contest posts (you’ll never get the same game twice! Or maybe you will?) are to give away a @steemmonsters booster pack because yay steem monsters! I’d give away me if I could but really, I don’t earn all like that. I do know however that @MrViquez and @Clove71 give away cards, aaaand @steemmonsters is always having contests, you know what… hop on the discord and check stuff out… there's even a bounties channel, the last bounty went pretty much @aggroed popping in saying ‘hey here’s a thing, make it look better, get packs’. There are a lot of ways to get cards if you care to poke around.

I personally have gotten more involved in the creative end rather than the card collecting end. Did I mention the lots of art/writing/voice acting/music/anythingyoucanfuckingthinkof contests? No? Well they are there, go look. I may become more vested in acquiring cards closer to game play release, we’ll see.

Let me stop my little steem monsters love rant for a second to point out that Fluffy really likes my future-brother-in-law.

Anyway, the challenge to earn a booster pack this week was to find my hidden Harry Potter reference… No one did. Not on a specific level. The reference supported by the context was a quote from Albus Dumbledore “time is making fools of us again.” (book six). Now… I’m a HP superfan, which is known to all, and I think I probably made it a tad bit toooooo specific BUT

@maverickinvictus got the booster back because while he didn’t give me the direct quote, he totally got the overlay.

Have you ever seen a chicken in time out? You have now. She’s in time out because she kept chasing the ducks off of their nests so she could sit on their eggs. Egg snatching chicken. Shes half the size of the ducks at best so that makes it even funnier.

So what’s the challenge for today? Well considering that my brain is not operational and my pretty words are sleeping, and I can’t think to hide anything in what I’m writing now… We’ll go wiiiiiith…. Tell me something I don’t know.

Oh I almost forgot to introduce Hei-Hei, yes her name is Hei-Hei because she’s a little doofy looking and also because she’s extremely stupid. Just like Hei-Hei from Moana she pecks at nothing, gets stuck in open corners, and so on…

Tell me something I don’t know and my favorite answer will get a booster pack in one week when this post closes out!

(all images credit moi, @accio)

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Hamburger / Coffee / Wine / Tea and possibly even Beer all contain poop or at least some brands of the mentioned do. I did an article on it months back, sources are included in it.

I knew that actually :) You can drop as many random facts as you want though!

Here is something most don't know.

The first day of the week isn't Sunday. According to the international standard ISO 8601, Monday is the first day of the week. The days of the week are also named after planets.

Some places even consider Saturday to be the first day of the week.

The modern days of the week are named from the Romans (Saturns-day, Suns-Day, and Moons-day), and the rest from Norse/Anglo-Saxon gods. Sunday being the first day of the week is primarily a Jewish/Christian preference that never made much since to me because it's God's day of rest, hence the last day. Try again! :D

(Accio is a treasure vault of random useless information, if the game was easy it wouldn't be fun! ;) )

Ok .. challenge accepted.

Here is something I learned from a poster in one of my contest I had awhile back.

The average person farts 14 times a day.

Here is a source for you

Really 14? Hm

Yes really ....

Even GIRLS !

Gasp! Girls do not fart

Let's give it a shot.
Did you know Charlie Chaplin came in second in his own look-a-like contest?

I did know that!

Bat eared foxes LOVE raisins :) Spent a year studying them in the desert, and yeah, the way to attract them to start an observation was to offer them raisins :)
images (4).jpeg

Awesome thank you 😅 Another epic for the collection


Specifically no I did not know that! I do know that foxes occasionally do have strange dietary preferences, I also have a Fox nephew! This is Todd,

Oh my God, Todd's a cutie 😍. So do your family rehab injured wildlife?

Not as much as we used to, growing up we had everything you could think of filtering in and out of the house, a lot stayed but a lot didn't. We still run through what most people would consider good amount of animals, but more on an extreme basis.

Is Todd named so because of the book/movie "The Fox and the Hound?"

Why yes, yes he is :)

That's very cool :) I've done a lot of volunteering at animal shelters before but never with injured wildlife. It's something I'd love to get into :)

It can be really challenging, every animal is so different, takes such different care...

Bunnies for example, we never took bunnies. If someone brought us bunnies we'd take them right into the SPCA. Bunnies die. Especially baby bunnies, a tiny scratch and there most likely on borrowed time. They can be just fine and they're probably still going to die just because. Bunnies are best left to the pros.

Crows are best left to the pros, as we found out the hard way... They have a very interesting system and if you rescue and injured crow and mend him up, the murder that's gathered in the back yard are nooot his friends and you will likely get viciously pecked and scratched trying the get him back in the house to save him again.

Bats. Bats are cool but also best left to pros as they are extremely gross and will masturbate in front of children.

Lol, I didn't know that about bats! I did manage to rear a baby bat most of the way to adulthood once. She was super cute... Have never tried a baby bunny, but yeah they are different creatures in terms of what antibiotics they can handle, what they can eat and just the general f up that is their digestive system 😏

Other than that, mostly spiders and fish that I've reared successfully 😂 At any rate it sounds like you had a very Gerry Durrell childhood 🙂

I certainly have, and I'm so glad for it!

A thing you don't know. I got one for you. Doctor Who aired on November 23 1963. The day after Kennedy got shot, so the ratings didn't do so well. So they reshowed the episode later and luckily ratings were there and thats how the great show Doctor Who began. They did a documentary on it called An Adventure in Space and Time, if you are a doctor who fan you should check it out!

Knew it :) Bought my Dad the first season and that documentary for his birthday a few years back!

Darn I have to come up with another one lol

OK did you know that George Washington had given orders to Benjamin Tallmadge to make spy ring , called cupler ring during the revolutionary war? There are some good books on this! If you don't like reading they made a show about it ;) Show is called Turn Washington spies(currently on netflix) a cool trailer , you should check it out!

XD Yep knew it! Haha

I have been so involved with the lore building for the black that I have been neglecting my replies to comments and notifications so bad Steemian! Bad Steemian haha

Hmm pretty interesting challenge and thank you for the booster pack and Steem Basic Income shares!! Woohoo

Prepare for some Fear Factor stuff here hahahhaha

Did you know that balut or Steamed fertilized duck embryo is considered an aphrodisiac and the local quote is "pampatigas ng tuhod" which translates as to strengthen the knees

It is said when a man eats it he can go for multiple rounds to satisfy his love one.

Okay here is the shock and awe moment!



So it kinda cheating because it is a local delicacy and I already one last week but I just wanted to support you on this contest because that is my niche I join contests lol

This contest has been placed in the Steemgigs Contest Channel which has over 5000 members and will be presented in a compilation post on the weekly Talk with Terry Show every Sunday 12:00 AM Manila Time.
I will endeavor to join all contests left there or at least make a small upvote and add on the compilation post.

Steemgigs Contest Channel link

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Knew it! Aphrodisiacs was part of my past (just for fun) studies on attraction, sex, and love studies ;)

oh my!! I thought I would have you stumped there because most westerners don't know it hahahhaha

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Haha the stranger the fact the more likely it is that I know it XD

Here's something you didn't know- I am currently listening to the Harry Potter audio books to go to sleep... not kidding, I'm on book four. And I used to despise audio books- this experience is broadening my horizons, though I will always prefer to read them.

Not quite what you were going for? haha!

Male squirrels can be disgusting little masturbaters too- we had one called Chip- it did not use it's hand. It made me wonder if Marilyn Manson got the idea to remove a rib from squirrels (If that was at all true)

We never had a pig, but we did have a cat named pig. Ron Weasley stole the idea for his owl from us. lol.

Here's something you might not know- all the cheap brands of beer from my youth that make me nostalgic for cornfield parties are now made with corn syrup. It's very sad, I used to be able to depend on Old Milwaukee not to give my husband a hangover, but no more. He's had to come to the dark (and more expensive) side of microbrews ;)

:D Worthy entries, have you made a steem monsters account? I still owe you a pack!