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this game will change the world

What do we do with the cards for the time being? I have the 30 from the first pack

The game play is still in development from what I gather.
The anticipation is real!

Buy booster packs. Join discord. Get to know people. Trade cards. Combine cards/level up. Later game mechanics and tournaments etc

Still in development. We have a discord for teams/guilds being developed if you are interested
in dropping in.

languages used by the site are node.js for the backend and a relatively simple js for the front end.

wao estoy es maravilloso,,, un empuje a la red

what in for grabs?

That is open for discussion.

Thanks, sir

Oh Dam I would love to but I have too many test at the university atm...

I can, me me, oh pick me. But only if the explorer stays on my website, as part of my brand, because me.

Seriously though, I might get to it after I finish my twitter thing and make my website fancier and stuff, so a half week or so? If you're interested then, be my sponsor... I need to talk about me drinking.

This sounds great and look forward to it!

It is good to see someone create something to bring out your enthusiasm for the steem blockchain...for a while I thought you were DONE with this place... really changed my view on you when I saw how involved you were 2 years ago...makes me wish I didn't fomo in here July 2016 then disappear until 2018

looks like you have found something you are actually EXCITED about using the STEEM blockchain. Perhaps a game like this adds value to the coin?

I can help out with this. Web developer by hobby and job.

Have you gotten in touch with them about this @wizardofcheeze?

Good idea @berniesanders

I've come up with an idea on how to promote the steemit blockchain and steemmonsters would be the most suitable front to launch this idea. The idea entails bringing steem as a payment option in this application. With this app as the inception, hopefully many other apps will follow and this would promote this blockchain in more ways than we can predict.

Super !

@berniesanders I reached out to @nextgencrypto on a few days ago but received no response. I would love to help with the idea, I sent a link to my Github and whatnot. Are you still looking for help?

You may also be able to get in touch with them on the @steemmonsters discord if you haven't had any luck on @beggars