Steem Monsters: A Useful Assistant That Strike's The Opponent In The Gut

in steemmonsters •  6 years ago 

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My Thoughts on Centaur:

Using archers on horseback is essentially how the Mongolians managed to dominate across the plains of Asia, and the Centaur is no less an example of crafty precision that can lead to victory.

First off, it's important to understand how fundamental it is to have a second monster who can double up on a certain attack. For example, if your team is attempting to attack from the rear via the Sneak ability, having a second monster with the Sneak capability is highly important given the prevalence of protect and group healing capabilities which slow down any prolonged assault from the rear. The same is true with the Centaur's Snipe ability. Given the degree of difficulty that a Snipe monster has in single-handedly taking out a monster on its own, having a second "sniper" is utterly important.

As such, Centaur's primary function is by and large to serve as a supplementary sniper. He's not an overpowering menace, but he sure is utterly useful in taking out a middle-placed healer or magic user. Yet at 4-mana, the Centaur's also not the most robust. With no armor, he can usually be taken out rather easily by a sneak user in the back. And as an archer, he essentially has to be in the back given his utter uselessness once he moves up to the front position. This is especially the case, since any viable team largely requires 2 archers with snipe in them.

Centaur's a tricky monster to use, but he's also pretty essential given the opponent's soft middle underbelly that is usually the case that provides some of the most trouble in any given team.

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