5x Giveaways Tonight! (Steem Monster)

in steemmonsters •  6 years ago 

Giveaway Results

As is customary here on my account, and all my partner accounts, we typically wait about 3-4 days to publish our giveaway posts in between each one just to make sure we have enough to give away and that we've had a chance to play at least a day or two to earn rewards.

So let's not hold this up anymore and get everyone there cards!

These are the results of the last 5x giveaways that have paid out:

1x Exploding Dwarf:

1x Sea Genie:

1x Rusty Android:

1x Silvershield Archers:

1x Sea Genie:

Congratulations to all the winners! To all who won SM cards, your cards will be sent momentarily.

Thanks for playing everyone!

About Monster Madness Giveaways


We are a growing group of individuals that seek to help the Steemit community by providing free giveaways to promote, above all things, a platform for other Steemit users to grow and find a little assistance along the way to improve their experiences and draw more interest to Steemit as a whole.

Combined between our now 5 active team members:

UserService Provided
@jonnyla08Steem Monsters Giveaways
@monstermadnessSteem Monsters Giveaways
@just4kicks46Steem Monsters Giveaways
@steemexplorersSteembasicincome Giveaways
@givememonstersUpvote Service

We are now giving away something every single day across 4x accounts. That’s 28x FREE giveaways every single week! And we're working on providing an upvote service through the @givememonsters account!

Helpful Steem Monsters Links & Free Crypto Links for All!

Steem MonstersGivememonsters Upvote Service
Steem Monsters.jpg58DDEE73-D4AD-489D-9817-A8485C2279B9.jpeg
Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
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Hey @jonnyla08, thank you. I was very happy about the card.

Have a nice Sunday! Many greetings @jeenger

All cards have now been sent, congrats everyone!

Thank you I'm so happy for my card.

Posted using Partiko Android

Congratulations to the winners. Good luck to everyone in the next and thanks for the giveaway.

Posted using Partiko iOS