My daily Steem Monsters ; Feb. 27th, 2020 (Death Splinter)

in steemmonsters •  5 years ago 

Hey guys, today I had Death Splinter again as a quest. as expected, the games were easier than expected. Again there is hardly anything to say. but see for yourself.

Quest death B3.png

today i came in bronze 1 so i get a bit closer to silver. let's see how it will be tomorrow, can I make it on silver 3? we will see :)

Bronze I.png

The gameplay and there reference links are in the description bellow


Lets come to the rewards now:

Quest reward 27.02.2020.png

today there was one card.
I got Wave Runner for the second time now. let's see how often it follows.

Let's see what's next.
In this sense, see you tomorrow.

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