in steemmonsters •  6 years ago 

I've decided to fund a few card burns by making posts about it. In short, according to economic theory, this increases the value of all cards owned by everyone, but more details can be found here:

This time I sent two (0.03 STEEM each at market price) reward cards to @null:

This is to allow for saving for a more expensive card burn.

I plan on doing more burns funded by posts in the future, so upvote to fund more frequent/more rare card burns. Also comment below what cards you would like to see burned.

Burns to date:

Sea Genie3
Silversheild Archers1
Flame Imp1
Rusty Android1
Sabre Shark1
Silversheild Warrior4
Kolbold Miner2
Haunted Spider2
Grumpy Dwarf1
Spineback Wolf1
Spineback Turtle1
Crustacean King1
Fire Beetle1
Feral Spirit1
Giant Roc2
Pirate Captain1
Goblin Shaman1
Alpha Animated Corpse1
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