Steem Monsters Worth The Hype?

in steemmonsters •  7 years ago 

Steemonster Worth the hype?.jpg

After writing much about me and my travels, it's time to shift the focus on different topics. I told you that after finishing my travel blogs and hosting the Attention Contest, congratulation again to @blessed-girl for winning this contest, I want to address some topics I noticed occasionally.

One of them is Steem Monsters!

I have to say that now I am giving it attention, so I don't know at this time what this is all about. But I saw and still see more and more people writing about it and making videos on Dlive about Steem Monsters. What I noticed occasionally evolve to a hype in my opinion. So my question is: Is it worth the hype?

What is Steemmonsters.jpg

For me, it looks likes a trading card game built on STEEM. This reminds me of past ages where trading card games like Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon were really famous. Or the game Hearthstone.

Trading Card zusammenstellung.jpg

There was a time where I played with those Yu-Gi-Oh cards but just for a short time. I have to say that it made fun. I know from friends that they were really into Hearthstone. What I want to say is that this type of games showed already a successful history.

The Blockchain of opportunities.jpg

Yes, this is something I also want to address but not here in this post. What I want to say is that it's incredible how many new applications are coming build on STEEM. I think that Steemonster made the beginning of more game Ideas based on STEEM. Maybe you are already creating the next one or have a brilliant game idea? And when they are all connected with the process of winning and earning STEEM or other prices than I think the potential future could look bright.

Honestly, I have to dive deeper into the system of Steem Monsters. What I know so far is that you can buy cards, you can trade them, and soon there will be a tournament where you can battle with your cards. Am I right?

From a game perspective definitely a smart move even I consider myself not a real gamer. But to have the possibility to play games here( and we know that gaming is a part of social networks) is excellent.

I don't think that behind this Steemmonsters euphoria is nothing but hot air. I will dive deeper into that and maybe soon I will buy my first cards. We will see.

How do you see it? Did you buy already some cards?

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I really like the fact that things like this are being build on the Steem blockchain. I used to be somewhat addicted to Hearthstone some years back (I don't play anymore now) so I do like these kind of card games. I would given it a try if they had a free to play model. It does not make much sense for myself to pay for something that honestly does not look anywhere near like a premium game just because it is run on Steem. I hope it will somehow get as big as the cryptokitties though.

True words.

After I researched now a bit more I have the feeling that people who pay will have better chances. We will see :) I or we have to admit that this model works just great. When we look at Fortnite and other games. The market will decide about the future of this game.

I've seen many comments and posts as well but I won't jump onto this hype and waste any money. It's only my 2 cents. But then I was never really into cards games. :-)

Then​ it will not be difficult for you not to jump on that :)

Not a game person am not into games and the card stuff but am bit concerned or will I say lack of my knowledge is giving me concern.

I get to see new apps built on the steem block chain almost on a monthly basis but all these apps are they really out to help the steem platform in general to grow or people are just after what will enter their pocket?
many new people come and leave frustrated on the basis of being frustrated because no reward is seen by them.

For me if more effort is put in to encourage those already on the platform, it will be a more profitable venture to help the platform to grow.

Good point.

I think only time will tell what the real intention behind some projects is.
But here are we talking about a game and that is in my opinion different. We all know what purpose​ a game has. And that with an attractive game huge money can be earned but for that, you need a high user based.

I think we should look at a game differently as to other projects.

Ok then, the game players should continue with their games while I focus my writing and charity cause lol.

I wanted asking, what app do you normally use for the design of the first pictures you always use on your posts, is it a phone app or laptop?

Great attitude. We should focus on that what excites us :)
Could you give me again about your initiative?

Great questions.
I create my thumbnails with my Laptop. I also made a video about it on Dtube but no more​ available :D

The software is called Affinity Photo, it's similar to Photoshop

My laptop can't carry the weight of some apps, so am currently finding a way of getting a better laptop once am done with school this year.

The initiative I told you about before now is the @steemminna initiative which intend to help the poor in the northern part of Nigeria. Since my earning on my posts can fund the initiative, I have tried to reach out to some sponsors but no response yet. So am trying to save up my steem dollars to fund my forex account which has long being on a demo because no fund to start it and my goal of going into forex is to fund the @steemminna initiate because I have tested what it means for some one to say

I am hungry!

How much are you looking for this project?


The steemmonster is a game and for the hype I think is an individual thing. Some folks can hype games while it turns some people off. For me as an individual I might give little attention to it but before we could say jack i will just be bored by the whole stuff.

Bottom line for me, It an individual perspective thing that has to do with passion and flare.

Thanks for airing your view about this subject matter.

I am me @brightfame

Great comment.
Indeed its an individual thing in the first place which can evolve into a collective thing.
Time will tell how all of that turns out. I mean more dapps more competition and the true sustainable dapps will be revealed.

Well yes buddy after the success of Cryptokitties it is indeed worth the hype.Most of the users are really getting into it and many have unleashed all the cards in the decks ;)

While it was indeed a great idea and the adoption is indeed huge I should say.

Looking forward to the game once it is launched ;)

You sure are gonna like it very much I suppose !

I will definitely give​ it a try :)

My regards, brother. Once again thank you for congratulating me for winning and thank you for your votes. God bless you ... As for that game does not call my attention and it seems to me that it is half diabolical .... Well it is my opinion and respect to those who like it but in our case we do not like it. and you're absolutely right, that game is already getting into almost all the labels of steemit ... even in the church label I've seen that game's publication ... A madness hahaha

This morning I left you a comment in the publication where you placed the winner of the contest. It's a question ... If you can read it to see what you recommend. Thank you.

Thanks for your opinion exactly that is what I was asking for. Don't worry feel free to tell your opinion and you're doing it in a friendly way. :)

Yeah, I saw your question and I answered :) You didn't see?

ah I had not seen it, I'll read it. Thank you.

You're welcome :)

The hype for this game is just too much and truth be told, i havent been able to wrap my head around it. I think the hype is simply coz its built on the steemblockchain. If we dont hype whats ours, what else could we possibly hype to promote steemit? Lol

Hmmm, I think we have to differentiate the hype. I think the hype what you are talking about is a hype outside the actual system. For example when a new app is under the top 10 in the apple app store and everyone is downloading it.

But a hype within the community is different. The hype here is a community hype. It's not that they think this would help for mass adoption I don't think so. I think people are happy seeing a game build on STEEM which they can play someday. :)

i have bought some cards but sincerily i don't see anything excited about it yet. wil wait for your dlive about it to understand more about

Hahah :D My Dlive? :D
Until now I never used it. But today I had some thoughts about it. I was thinking how I can use it. Do you can read my mind 🤣

ohhh, hahaha, well, at first, i read bad the word "dive" in your article, thought it was "dlive", hahahaha. i never used dlive either. try it and let me know, hihihihi

🤣 That was great!

nice post

Steem Monsters is already very popular, I know many peope have bought into it already and there is already a big trade in cards that have been levelled up.

That said, I have not got into it myself - seems a little too much time consuming and I would rather be spending my time reading posts on here.

#thealliance #witness

If I already had the ability to do it I would totally design a game on the STEEM blockchain. The reason that I'm not diving head first into this and taking it as an educational opportunity is that I'm afraid of security vulnerabilities given my minute amount of experience with coding, but maybe that's dumb and I should just go for it anyway and see if I can find someone on here who is willing to do some light mentoring and check my work.

hahaha i was absent for 2 months from steemit and first thing i saw is a lot of posts about that steemit based card game. Now my point of view in this although i did only a little bit of research so i am not exactly sure if what i am saying is right or wrong is that this is gonna be a really pay-to-win game.

On the other hand i salute the effort of making a steemit based card game. it's not something easy to do and for a long time people craved for a game like that, so even if you have to pay to play it i think it's a very good start for the future of steem-based games. I even thing with that game the value of sbd and steem in the eyes of everyone in here will change a bit!

Also i have to say it :P well done for answering every single comment!

Ich bin auch reingestolpert obwohl ich nicht wollte, aber jetzt addicted :-)

Thanks bro for sharing this post.....i have learnt a lot from this post.....please help me upvote my post in my blog.....thank you and remain blessed.

You are right indeed, this hype is based on the potential of the game and previous successes from other games with this format. But most of this hype comes from the fact that every single player played Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh years ago! And its amazing to go back in time, especially be able to become a kid again!