Need More Booster Packs? Do The Smart Thing And Save 20% On Packs! (Deprecated!)

in steemmonsters •  6 years ago  (edited)



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There's something everyone has in common in the world of Steem Monsters and that is the desire to get more cards.

Whether for reselling purposes, for upgrading cards to make them stronger or for the chance to find the rare legendary & gold cards.

In any case, one thing is clear: buying booster-packs is expensive.

But what if we told you that you can save up to 20% with every booster-pack purchase?

Just want to buy some packs? Head over to

$2.00 $1.60 Booster Packs

As you might know, a Steem Monsters Booster Pack regularly costs $2.00.

Depending on the amount of bought packs (thresholds are at 100 and 500 Packs) you can get effectively an 10% and 15% discount. Which is a great deal, but we believe: we have a much better deal!

We're offering a bare minimum 10% discount, which can be increased to a whopping 20%!

Discount Overview: 10% to 20%

Minimum PacksDiscountPack Price

As you can see above, you're able to save at least 10% on every Booster Pack purchase; even if you only buy 1 pack!

On top of that, we're also giving out fixed 5% discounts on Starter Packs.

Getting Started: Buying Packs

Buying packs is quite simple and takes only a few seconds. Since @smartmonsters is a product of, that's where everything starts.

1.) Head over to
2.) Make sure you're logged in. If you're on your dashboard, either click on the Steem Monsters banner or click on Balance > Buy Steem Monsters Packs
3.) Enter your desired booster pack quantity and confirm the purchase either via steemconnect, keychain or your smartsteem balance.

Prefer a graphical overview? Check out the gif below.

Easy right? Head over to

What's next?

We've got a few cool things in the pipeline. But more on that later. Stay tuned!

Smart Monsters

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This is a great deal for those who play stern monsters to take advantage of. I just purchased 100 packs the other day through smartsteem. You can even sell cards you don’t want in the market and make your money back.

Posted using Partiko iOS

We're glad you're satisfied with the 100x Booster Pack purchase. And yes, you can even resell the cards and if you're lucky with some rare cards, make a big profit.

Thank you for using our service!

Smart Monsters

I’m beyond satisfied!😁 purchasing 100 packs helps you earn cards and level them so that you can complete the daily quests. It also helps you build more competitive teams. I was lucky enough to pull a gold chromatic dragon. I’m hoping to sell it and use the income I make from it to purchase more packs. The packs have helped me big time and I’m in currently in the top 10 because of it. This is the best card game I’ve ever played. There are so many huge opportunities to capitalize on with this game.

Posted using Partiko iOS

We totally agree!

Smart Monsters

i could really use some help understanding Steemmonsters. If you could point me to a resource post, i'd appreciate that. Why should I buy the packs? How do i stand to earn with it? how is the game played? I am also on discord if you'd love to chat. pangoli[ i-am-Groot]#1084

Here's a link to their main site:

Once you get there, scroll down and click on the yellow how to play button. Clicking that will take you to a page that explains the game to you. Other than that, I would suggest buying a starter set. That way, you'll be able to build a team and battle. Once you actually see the battle with your own eye's, you'll have a better understanding of how everything works.

A player should consider buying packs because, it puts you in a better position to earn more free packs from ranking tears and daily rewards. A player also has the chance of pulling extremely rare cards from packs, and has the ability to sell them on the market for a profit. I've personally sold dozens of cards now and I've made more than a few hundred doing so. Other players can and are currently doing it as well.

Another reason a player should consider buying packs is because it puts you in a position to where you can level up your cards. Leveling up your cards is important because higher level cards equal stronger monsters. One level can be the difference between you winning or losing a battle.

Simply put, you choose a certain number of cards and they make up a team. Your team battles another players team. You want to win as many battles as possible. Each monster and summoner has stats and some have abilities.

The site goes more in depth with these things. You'll see once you go there. Look around steemit for people posting tips about how to play. That's pretty much all I can tell you. I hope this helps.

Now That's What I call a DEAL !!! @smartmonsters

Wish I would have saw this before I bought my packs!! >:|


We can sympathise with you. Our team also bought most of their packs without a discount, but that didn't stop us from buying more!

It's never too late to buy some discounted booster packs!

Smart Monsters

Can you buy packs with credit card? or only SBD and STEEM?

We're only supporting crypto at this point. If you want to pay via exchange or blocktrades, you're able to generate a code (our code for booster packs always ends with 42) and use it as memo.

First of all I find it kinda strange how you get to provide them for that price.

For anyone reading, there's better prices available for packs on the Discord. I can definitely recommend that.

Also, it must be known to all users buying through such methods, that these packs DO NOT count towards Maverick status. If you buy 500 packs through SmartMonsters, you won't be a maverick.

It looks like they are buying up thousands of packs in bulk, getting the 10% discount, and selling off the cards they find in those packs in order to get a profit buffer. Then turn around and use that momentum to offer a larger discount to us. And if I may add, they have "more coming," which means this is a marketing strategy to bring in the masses. And I think it's clever. And I'd like to see what they have to offer. And I hope (and anticipate) it will be in keeping with the integrity of the game.

Judging by their excellent graphics, the clever business model, and the delegation of votes, I imagine they will be around for awhile. Let's see what they have to offer. I'm curious as to who they are, and if they might be interested in appearing on the Steem Monster Show and have a chat at some point..... :D

They use the 10% affiliate bonus to offer pack prices no one can compete with. Why would they get a 10% affiliate bonus whilst the rest of the world gets 5%?

It's the sole reason they can offer this and I really don't get it.

The 10% you're talking about is the merchant bonus, as @smartmonsters (@smartsteem) is a registered merchant.

Smart Monsters

Correct. What exactly does that change?

Besides @smartmonsters, multiple other businesses are utilising the merchant bonus: @peakmonsters, @steem-plus, @minnowmarket.

This bonus is obviously reserved for businesses/merchants, instead of individuals.

Smart Monsters

I believe that is an affiliate program peakmonsters offers. It is their business model. It has nothing to do with the consumer. There is no favoritism or special perk than you or I couldn't also get. They want to encourage larger players to trade on their market so they can earn the 5% on each sale. So you have to earn the status by turning around a certain volume I believe. And frankly, it's a brilliant model. And kudos to them. And @steemmonsters seems fine with it. Whatever sells cards, yo. And whatever each person decides to do with their discount is up to them. Everyone has the same offer on the table. a 10% discount by buying in bulk, and another 10% discount by buying affiliate through peakmonsters. So if they wanna use their initial bulk investment to turn around and generate business for themselves, then I applaud it. But I don't really know. I'm just speculating as to what is actually going on. As I said earlier, I really hope these guys have integrity in their enterprise. Because if so, this is exactly what matt and shane were hoping for with the game. To see dapps and biz offshoots.

No, the reason they are selling so much is because they can offer a discount that others can't (for reselling packs). That is an unfair market advantage.

Of course they are free to use it, but the way it's done is kinda sketchy in my very honest opinion.

Just because you, as a single individual, aren't able to take advantage of an offer for merchants (businesses) doesn't mean it's unfair.

Your behaviour reminds me of this.

snip I heard you are reworking SmartMonster's mechanics, so this discussion is irrelevant. Thank you, sir.


Right. I know that. They are selling a bunch cuz they can.

What's wrong with that? I mean, I'll hear you. I'm open to your perspective. I haven't made my mind up about these guys to be honest. I just can't see anything wrong with it yet. I don't see how it's an unfair advantage if anyone of us could do the same thing. You could just as easily buy in bulk to get a bulk discount, and participate in the affiliate discount.

In fact, people do it every day! If you go look at the peakmonsters market, you'll see that the majority of the sales are coming from people who have purchased in bulk and have affiliate discounts. The difference is, they mark UP their cards, and make a profit that way.

smartmonsters is marking DOWN their cards. And their profit comes from the SLIVER margin from the non-bulk sales they hope to make. In fact, they are doing us a favor by offering us the combined affiliate and bulk discount, without the fuss! Maybe I can't afford to buy in bulk, or get an affiliate discount. These guys are offering it AT COST. They aren't even making a profit on the 20% off. Their profit comes from the other sales. What they are doing is offering something, as bait, to make a margin on their lower sales.

And honestly, it's very clever. And the people who should be worried are the other markets like Peakmonsters, as they'll basically be pulling away activity from them by offering discounts not given on the other markets.

If smartmonsters succeeds on a larger scale, they may drive the price of the cards down for awhile because the other markets will have to compete. And by other markets, what I really mean is individual people, seeing that their cards are not selling as fast, so they'll need to drop their prices to compete. And if that happens, then the affiliate program may have to be reexamined. But that will be up to Peakmonsters how they wanna handle that.

Again, this does not affect mine and your buying power. It affects the market. And as with any market, healthy competition will always drive the prices of a product down. That's how free markets work.

I told you in my earlier reply that I would stop discussing, as I considered it pointless. However, I believe you slightly misunderstand some things about this particular case.

You could just as easily buy in bulk to get a bulk discount, and participate in the affiliate discount.

The thing is that they are "merchants", which allows them to get a 10% merchant bonus, whilst us, normal people, get a 5% affiliate bonus. We most definitely can't offer what they are offering without losing money (unless we use the packs we got through playing, of course, which is the only reason you can still buy packs for so cheap on the SM-Discord)

These guys are offering it AT COST. They aren't even making a profit on the 20% off.

Incorrect, they are definitely not offering it at cost. They are making a profit, even on packs they're selling for $1.60. I can show you, if you wish.

And as with any market, healthy competition will always drive the prices of a product down. That's how free markets work.

Yeah, Healthy Competition is good. This, however, is not healthy competition. This is just a merchant getting a twice as big affiliate bonus without any proper explanation for how one would become a "merchant", which is literally nothing more than an affiliate with a higher affiliate bonus.

Incorrect, they are definitely not offering it at cost. They are making a profit, even on packs they're selling for $1.60. I can show you, if you wish.

I was unaware of this fact. Please illustrate to me so I can be informed.

Hello @pizzachain,

we're able to provide these prices by taking the risk and buying all packs in bulk.

Regarding better prices on discord - we're offering the best prices on the market. If you think otherwise, then please proof it.

Smart Monsters

No, now you're wording it like you're doing it all fair... The only reason you're able to offer this is because, for some strange reason, you get a 10% affiliate reward, whilst the rest of the world gets only 5%. I don't get why you would be eligible for this and it allows you to get packs for prices no one can possibly compete without selling packs they got from playing.

And that's how people in Discord can offer packs for better prices than your service.

The 10% you're talking about is the merchant bonus, as @smartmonsters (@smartsteem) is a registered merchant.

Smart Monsters

Correct. What exactly does that change?

So they're getting a 10% merchant commission, a 15% discount on the sale, a 5% referral bonus, and a 10% SP allocation, which can be converted into money. So all in all, they're actually ending up with a total of 40% below market value off each purchase. Anything above that would give them a profit, and likely lower the market value as well.

So the question is, is it wrong, or is it just business? And should it be reneged and/or regulated.

Well, the thing with it is that there's no information about how one can become a merchant. If no one can become a merchant besides SmartMonsters and a couple of other services, no one can compete.

As a sidenote, the +75 packs for buying 500 gives a discount of a bit less than 15%. They could get packs for about $1.30 this way, which is a 35% discount.

Sorry I didn't listen to you. I tend to like facts and figures. I am pretty sure though, that the merchant terms have been changed now, due to this misunderstanding with a merchant that stands to show that this could happen again.

Go sign up as a registered merchant. It's available to anyone. It is meant to incentivize businesses to use that particular market. So the real "culprit" is peakmonsters. And they are simply doing what any market would offer its most loyal merchants.

It's just like when you go to the grocery store and use your "rewards" card. It's OK. Everything is going to be fine. This is how a free market works. Maybe you are not a free marketeer. And maybe you are socialist or communist. And that's OK too. This is simply another style of economy. And these are the rules of that kind of economy.

No. People keep making the wrong comparisons and taking the wrong conclusions due to doing so. I'm not even going to discuss further on this, since it's pointless anyways. Believe what you want to :)

OK. I'm open to hearing your point of view. I'll be a good listener.

OK pizza. I have looked into it, and I fear you may actually be onto something. Ordinarily the capitalist in me likes to defend small businesses and their clever ideas. But something does feel a little off here. And let me see if this is what you're trying to say, if I may:

I think you are saying they are exploiting the affiliate discount from SteemMonsters. And 10% Is not a discount it's a commission. So they basically get the following:

  1. 10% commission

  2. Also probably a 5% reward for referring... themselves.

  3. They're buying 500 packs so they get a 15% discount there

  4. And now they're getting the new 10% SP bonus/discount that SM kicks back.

Maybe they shouldn't get anything that the normal public doesn't get... which is #1

Because that would make this a wholesale distributor partnership, and as far as I understand, SM does not have that type of contract. They shouldn't be allowed to make money from SM on the cards they buy, if they are going to undercut the company that gave them that commission and sell them for even lower. Otherwise, why even get a commission?

Does that sound close to what you were trying to say?

hola dame un like ekisde

Franciscoch te doy like a tus publicaciones y tu me das like

As for me, i will just play in the battlefield to get some booster packs for free. This end of 2nd season, i got 13 booster packs since i reach diamond II level. But as for the newbies or do not have yet cards, it is smart to buy cards with discounts 🤗


Im telling yah guys, i found this game addictive and exciting

See yah in the battlefield guys 😁

League rewards are a great way to earn some bonus packs! We fully agree. And if you're ever in the need of more packs, you know where to find them ;)


Bety good 😉


Follow ne please and talk with me in instagram because im prepared a strategi to get money

Es algo bien interesante

Damit! How some people think is crazy, a kind of blackmarket for steem monster cards...or whitemarket :D, i love it. You just got a new customer

We're glad to have you on board!



oh snapss guesss where my eagle wings are going ...

eagle flies over to smartmonsters ASAP


Thanks for the tip.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Great discount! Thanks for providing an cheaper way to purchase packs.

I m from India.. is it available in india..?

Of course. You just have to be on Steem!

Thanks for the tip =) =)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Could you please explain how is that possible?

We're buying booster packs in bulk, with the risk of price increase, and are then able to resell them cheaper. We're also utilising the merchant bonus, of which we're giving back a percentage.

Did this answer satisfy your question? If not or you have more questions, then please let us know!

Thank you for the details.

I can sell 10 packs for $15
If you want it, comment me.


un gran aporte del juego.......

saludos a todos, soy nuevo en steemit, y los invito a visitar y a seguir mi perfil de fotografia donde estare subiendo contenido 100% original

nice info....

but this game is akin to hearthstone ??

Yeah similar, play is not as advanced as hearthstone but steem monsters is still in beta... and unlike hearthstone you can actually own and sell your cards that you play with on steem monsters. For that reason I like it better than hearthstone, and I fully expect them to improve the gameplay of steem monsters.


smart monsters great projet and affiliate bonus best earning idea

yes this liked you please vote me

@smartmarket I forgot URL in the Memo 4d05ef52,
please refund!

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Thanks for the smart monster games.

Posted using Partiko Android

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Sir please check my content life is beautiful

I am new on steem and after watching this i think steem monster is a game nice to play and as being a gamer i think i have to give a try to this game

If only you had a PayPal option

I'm sure it'll get to that at some point. But they gotta start somewhere.

Very Pretty

I dont undrestand what s a monsters steem cards, is it for a game in web? For a gattering game?

it's great having it in such diasma

Can I ask u upvote my posts & put comment under them ?14051785_991857947597410_6903056725685125853_n.jpg

This was a totally relevant comment.

You must be a millionaire with this page

Interesante me gustaría uno.. los invito para que visiten mi canal donde estaré subiendo recetas de comida típica venezolana espero su apoyi

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Uff :v

Esta bien interesante me gustaría uno

I’m beyond satisfied!😁 purchasing 100 packs

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I read this blog that's fantastic , I want to join how can i.

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