Steem Monsters "Take Pot Tourney" 💰 [Jan 01, 2019 | 5pm EST]

in steemmonsters •  6 years ago  (edited)

Take Pot Tourney


Tuesday night (01/01) at 5pm EST will be the first Take Pot Tourney on Steem Monsters!

There will be a 3 STEEM entry fee to build a nice payout for the champions!! ⚔️

We want to make this as equal as we can for newcomers, and also for the first adopters as well.. So we will be making this a Silver League tournament.

You will send 3 STEEM to @bountywolf before check in, and when you have sent the 3 STEEM you can check in.

1st Place = 50% of all STEEM used to enter
2nd Place = 30% of all STEEM used to enter
3rd Place = 20% of all STEEM used to enter

This will be a double-elimination tournament, and you will mark your own wins please!

Sign up here>>

Play at

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Excellent ... I will be signing up closer to game play if I am able to.

where will check in take place? I already sent the registration fee.

It will be here on the tournament page under bracket..
Screen Shot 2019-01-01 at 3.32.11 PM.png

On the challonge site in the same section you registered.

I'm playing as well good luck everybody!

Congrats for the victory buddy. Seems I was playing same time a different tournament - I need a bot lol

Did you played the spanish tournament? I wanted to be there as tell me when the Bot is ready I need one as well!!!

Yes, finished third there. I would need a bot that also goes to work for me - the autonomous Uwe :-)

Lol you are killing me :-)
I hope that future never comes true otherwise we are doomed to obey a bunch of AI Uwe Bots :-)))