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When you make more in BTC tips from Twitter on a Steemit post, than you make on Steemit with a comic about Steemit ...

i know.

That was a shitload amount of work for $12.

Indeed! Thanks for the boost! :)


I love the drawings, they are super creepy!!! ha! ha! ha!!!!!!!!!!!

To the 150 or so of you who have been faithfully following Steemocracy ...

I wanted to let you know that The Dollar Steemilante will be interviewing Dan & Ned in the next episode of Steemocracy. It should be available later this morning and will be drawn by a "Featured Guest Artist". ;)

So tune in later today and thanks for your continued support!

This is bloody good work tuck!

Will be upvoting after the 30 minute mark. This post will hopefully provide you with all the pizza and beer you need to create more of these.

Sweet, thanks! :)

12 people re-tweeting Hey Man, what do you use to draw this all on?

I use Photoshop with a Yiynova 19" tablet.

oooh spendy. But you'rre only as good as your equipment I guess.

Well my last comic "Steem Life" bought me the Yiynova and it's a helluva upgrade from the 6"x3" Wacom I was using for the first few volumes of this comic. :)


I think Tone will get a kick out of it. :)

Hahahahaha! Oh my word this is so hilarious and so wrong on so many levels. (I'm so giddy I can't stop saying "so".)

You are a genius!


Hah, thanks! 8)

Wow, you took that to an entirely new level!

lol, well I think it's probably a fairly accurate representation of how that interview would go down if Tone was unfiltered. ;)

I think this will make some waves!! Hehe, funny as f£_&!!

Man wish my vote could add more than .01 :( great comics bro love them. Awesome how you really got the features of everyone. Plus it's funny as hell.

My sentiments exactly~*~

Just woke up and saw this! A good start to a Sunday!

I saw his whitepaper edit finally yesterday where he focuses on 10% going to new content only, and seems to miss the fact that 90% is redistributed to existing holders build on their steempower. Guy has a serious hate-on.

@tuck-fheman Great work!

Thanks! :)

... built on Bitcoin it's not a blockchain ...

Isn't it the other way around? :)

Congratulation for a quite long comic. Well done!

This made me genuinely lol. The best thing is it is so true. Ned never really speaks much whenever they are together.

Wow, this one made me rofl. If this isn't reality, then it's really close ... :P

Right?! lol :)

Gold. This. Is. Gold.

Really funny the hillary detour and the 9/11 on Steemit HQ. However seriously that Tom Vayes is a real piece of work. I heard him on Blocktalk and wow, really lives and breath into his own ass.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It's the people that don't want others to have their own opinion or the freedom to express it that we should focus our concerns on. Tone has some very valid points, but is also a bit biased towards Bitcoin, which is also understandable. I think he will come around to see the big picture one day and realize that anything legitimate (which he currently doesn't appear to consider Steem to be) that is fighting the status quo financial system and/or media outlets is something worth supporting.

This comment on its own is very good, yet I especially love it in companion to this comic!
Makes the whole comic a lot better to me.

lol I just saw this on another monitor and damn did I make Ned's skin way to dark. It was nowhere near that dark on the other monitor. Time to calibrate! :)


Like the public self communication method. :)