Starting SteemMonsters

in steemonsters •  7 years ago  (edited)

A friend show me a new game from Steemit called SteemMonsters. He told me it's a card game but I'm not really a fan of card games but I try it since he's playing it. Could be fun. :p
When I got enough SBD for it, I bought a starter pack and these are the cards I got.
I like the Earth card name Lyanna Natura. I like how she looks, she kind of cute and also she looks like a healer. On most games I played, I like being the healer of the team so they can alive while battling.
To me, these card monters looks really cool! Most of these are rare though. Hopefully someday I get a card that's higher than rare cards!

I'm liking this so far already :)

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Wow! I love your collection of cards! So Nice!!

Thanks :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Sent you a pack of cards and an Epic Mermaid, just log into to see them. :-)

Oooo ty :)

I'm glad you got the starter pack for this cool game! It's only 2 weeks old and already a lot of people on here are having fun buying, selling and trading cards. It will really take off soon when the card battles begin! And I think this will bring more people to Steemit because similar card games are very popular. The more people that come here and want to buy Steem Monster cards, the more the price of Steem should go up! :)

You picked a good card to like! Healers are so important. They have a big responsibility to keep the team alive.

So far there are common, rare, epic and Legendary cards. I think you will get some epic and Legendary in the future! Booster packs with 5 random cards are $2 which isn't bad. Maybe I'll surprise you with a gift booster pack someday! :D

I like surprises :)

Great to have you onboard! If you are ever looking to spice up your deck. Akox got your back.
With nifty auctions and good deals. Always worth checking out.


Thank you :)

These old card designs look so cool

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