Surrender (poem #6, My 30 days poetry challenge)

in steemph-antipolo •  7 years ago  (edited)

I will let go and let God
if it is your will I will go
if it is your will I will follow
if it is your will it's for my growth

Your will be done not mine
if it is your will it is best
if it is your will there will be a success
if it is your will there will be rest

If there is no way but to be in pain
I will close my eyes
let it happen
For as long as to you, I remain


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Nice piece!

Thank you so much @prinzo. I was able to compose this poem during my hardest time.

Indeed he's the God of all times. Loved it so much.. Quite an inspiration cus I'm a poet too.

I can't say I am a poet. I just love expressing my feelings through poetry. I am not a fanatic one :) but I appreciate poetries.

Still good all the same it's a very nice piece. Ride on

thanks os much @prinzo.. |Already followed you