Time does not heal you. You heal you.

in steemph •  7 years ago 

It has been many months already but still, the fresh cuts of the wounds are still visible. I cannot help it but be okay. And to that, I listed numbers of to-do-list for me to be okay. Steps on how to make myself okay. Because, I heal myself. Time does not heal me. I heal myself by deciding to heal.
Step number one. The most important one, I pray. Because constant prayer is always the strongest connection to the Creator. Without God, all of us are nothing. I pray for more strength, courage and I pray to take me to the right path. Praying is like the only guide for the steps we are taking. It centers everything that seems to be curved. Most importantly, I pray for the pain to ease slowly. If not totally heal, i pray for a courage to make the pain bearable. I guess that's a fair prayer after all.
Step two, I make myself busy. As much as possible, I don't recall the days I was with you, it only brings back the memories and will later on result to reminiscing and then hurting. I always make sure that I am doing something to alter my mind and at the same time, make my day a very productive one. I tried travelling, alone. I tried eating the foods I haven't tried before, I tried things I haven't tried before. It's a lot of fun though.
Step three, surround yourself with people. I make sure that I surround myself with variety of people everyday and make use of the days with them. Surely, these days were the days I missed when I was with someone else the whole time. Having fun with variety of people will make you a flexible one. It's good for developing your attitude as to how you guard yourself with different kinds of people with diverse attitudes.
And lastly, step four. Accept. That's very essential. Because a mature mind of a person knows how to accept things that are not meant to happen.
PS: Photo not mine.

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