in steemph •  7 years ago 


PM Trudeau was invited to the ASEAN conference simply as a guest and not really as an important participant. We were doing HIM a favor by giving him a chance to learn a bit more about the ASEAN and dialogue and maybe drum up some business with the various ASEAN leaders.
So what did he actually do? After being warmly received and royally treated, he went to Tondo to check on a Canadian funded project which was actually nothing but his usual photo-op publicity activity. Looking at his all-smiles cutsie photos with everyone happily beaming ear to ear, he apparently forgot to ask anyone there how life was and how things were in the PH.
So at the end of it all, after taking advantage of the hospitality and opportunities to promote himself, and after surely being advised that the President would not appreciate being called to account or accused of impropriety in his War on Drugs, this narcissistic asshole just had to bring the matter up "because that is what Canadians are known to do".
Really? Are you sure it was not just so you could grandstand on the world stage and try to appear to be a hero for "human rights and the rule of law" at anyone's expense?
Duterte has been repeating ad nauseum everything that he could possibly say to you in just about every speech he has made. Surely your people must have advised you of his stand beforehand and his warning not to bring the topic up. If you were really sincere, then you perhaps also could have asked the people in Tondo whom you met about it too.
But apparently, the motive FROM THE VERY START was not even to DEMAND (?!!) an explanation from Duterte but rather to be able to SAY that you had "questioned him about EJKs" and firmly told him to "maintain the rule of law and respect human rights".
Which would of course make you a hero in the eyes of the world while making it appear that not only were you a few notches up the ladder in everything but also that Duterte was in fact guilty!
Is that the traditional way Canadians respect their hosts who invited them to attend something they did not have to, more for YOUR benefit than for theirs? Is that the way you show your appreciation for the warm welcome and grand treatment you got from everyone? So you just had to spit in their faces and make them look like criminal lowlifes because that is a Canadian tradition?
A wiser and less self-absorbed person, which Trump surprisingly proved himself to be, would have graciously waited until the President brought it up himself or if this did not happen, AT LEAST diplomatically steered the conversation to the topic in a less accusatory and insulting manner. He was lucky that the President was gracious enough not to return the insult with curses and epithets.

Fuck you and the horse you rode on, Trudeau. You may be a competent Prime Minister but you are unfortunately also a fame-whoring publicity hound who cares for nothing but self-aggrandizement at anyone's expense. Even Trump has more sense and dignity than you! I think you better forget about getting any more invitations from this country and if ever, perhaps you should not come lest we send you home packing like we did the Beatles.


Putangina mo!

Photos courtesy of:
(1) CNNPhilippines

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