in steemph •  7 years ago 

Well, I'm sorry but I think your reasons are rather shallow. The reasons for many if not most RevGov supporters are rather much deeper than you make it out to be. We are not quite as stupid and gullible as some people may think.
First of all, our support is not based on the personalities organizing the rally/movement but rather on the reasons we agree it is necessary and the goals we feel will be impossible to achieve without it.

It is also not a forum for people who adamantly want to dissuade people from pursuing RevGov simply because they do not like the organizers and in spite of much effort to explain why people are joining the movement. So you will be JUSTLY kicked out of NetRevGov for not supporting it.

Find your own group.

NetRevGov is a forum for people who agree with RevGov who wish to connect with the like-minded so they can unite and work for a common cause. It is what we agree on that matters, not whether we like or even know each other and not even whether we may disagree on other matters apart from the common agenda.

I myself was already pushing for RevGov MONTHS before NetRevGov was formed, curiously enough, for exactly the same reasons stated in the group's agenda. And I do not know anyone involved in it from Adam. And neither do I care. WHY? Simply because this is not about either the organizers and the members AT ALL. It is simply about giving the President everything he may need to be able to definitively fix the problems of this country in the few remaining years he has to do it.

If you are against RevGov because you oppose Federalism then perhaps that might be a more acceptable reason than because you do not like VV or anyone else. Because FEDERALISM is actually the main concern of RevGov. While it may be possible to work on corruption, crime and drugs under the current system, only a fool would imagine that corrupt politicians who spent millions if not billions to get elected would support something that would throw them out of their hard-stolen offices. Perhaps you would like to argue with THAT statement.

Then again, while the word "revolution" may be rather misleading and is always used by detractors to imply violence, chaos and disorder, nothing could be further than the truth. In fact the only reason we are pushing for it is precisely to AVOID violence, chaos and disorder by destabilizing elements and the enemies of change. It is not an overthrow of established and elected government but rather an effort to grant EXTRAORDINARY POWERS to a democratically elected President WHICH WOULD NEVER OTHERWISE BE GRANTED by the corrupt politicians who have everything to lose, TO DO WHAT MUST BE DONE.

And these EXTRAORDINARY POWERS will not be granted to any of the organizers or supporters nor are they expecting to personally benefit in a tit-for-tat mercenary arrangement. Rather, they are for the President alone and at his sole discretion. You already probably realize that no one can make him do anything he does not consider good for the country including RevGov. So the personalities involved are actually not an issue.

To insist that Duterte is doing well enough as it is is to be either naive or to betray suspect motives. To insist that RevGov is the product of mischievous minds being supported by weak-minded people is an insult to people who are certainly no less patriotic or intelligent than you are.

And to believe that giving the President more power to deal with the enemies of the people will simply result in MORE DISORDER (?) is not only illogical on so many levels in the face of his proven capabilities and accomplishments, it simply makes APPARENT either the shallowness or the deviousness of your understanding.

Sorry to be so brutally frank but I'm afraid that we need to call a spade a spade.

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